MLG arena 2 SC2 pay ?

so i have to pay 20 or 30 to watch it?
only the first game is free fuck this shit

no free stream at all ?
20 to watch it, if you pay 30 you can watch that and Anaheim in HD.
again no free stream? :-(
Arenas are PPV, Championships have free LQ stream.
People actually pay money to see other people play a game online?

Whats so shocking about it?
I understand that you buy money for a game to play. But pay money to watch someone else play? Pathetic.
It's not a game, it's e-sport!
same like paytv football matches.
Pathetic? Why its pathetic again? It's exactly same as watching tv or going to cinema. You pay for the stuff you want to see. One of the most normal things in the whole world.
common, not normal as in judicious, imho
Of course it is. UFC has been doing it for a while now.
i ment that todays advertisments is cancer :P
Yeah, but for example a movie in cinema or a special channel on TV is ment to be viewed for entertainment. Watching others play a game where you can easily participate yourself for that amount of money iis a totally different area. If you are hooked on computer gaming so much that you need to pay to watch two teams PLAY A COMPUTER GAME then I think your priorities in life are a bit off. I get that you pay for entertainment, but if you're so entertained by other people playing a game then it truly is a bit pathetic, don't you think? Play the game, have fun while doing it, that's the whole point of games, isn't it? I watch streams, HoN or ET or QL and I enjoy them to a certain level. Even if I had tons of money which I would never spend anyway, I wouldn't even think for a second to spend it on an Enemy Territory stream for example. A game that I have loved for years.
Tell that to millions of Sky customers paying to watch others play football.
Football isn't just a game. Football is the most popular sport in the world.
Still you're just watching other people play a game you could easily play yourself.
Football isn't just a game. Football is the most popular sport in the world.
Repeating your argument doesn't make it any more valid.
That's exactly what you did.
i got your point and imo its so fucking boring to watch some random guy playing starcraft 2
does it help somehow to watch stream ? and if yes how can i use it dont realy understand
mine just makes a beeping noise
Buy with 10 man and all watch the same stream always restream MLG / GSL you just have to find the good channel on this russian site :P
hm i cant read rusian could you post some link later if they stream mlg arena 2 ?

it should start in 4 .30 hours
I'm not at home until sunday :(
But don't worry you'll find the stream without problems because the tournament's title is written in english :P you'll see 40 russian characters and then "MLG" or something :D

Gonna be a fucking nice tournament ! Go Stephano, DRG and viOlet !!
Parent i think this guy is gonna stream it the info is here i used google chrome for translation
ok big thx i hope it is true but i dont get how they can stream it
ye no problem :) i hope it too.I dont know how they gonna stream it.
The streamer bought the MLG pass and then stream the MLG stream (called re-stream). It's not legal afaik but who cares it's internet :P
he is streaming allready nice quality :)
angel muniz has always been a money sucking faggot
sc2 is death
ET is alive coz u can watch free!
Yes, it's their PPV model for Arenas. You can still watch the Championship for free on Standard Definition later this year.
there is a couple of private streams streaming it that you should be able to find
i love watching SC2 streams. but this shit, paying for it? ive done it twice now....and tbh, i wont do it again.....its just not worth it imo.... you get the vods free about 2 weeks after ....
fuck protoss.
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