The god of hockey. There is no other. Ive always admired him but my fucking god he has been a beast in this tourney.

image: Malkin%20lead

Im not even sad that we've lost. Malkin and co just gave us a fucking ANAL_RAPE

gratz for winning wc 2012.
just commenting so u all can see my flag
a fin changing his flag to a russian, would never expect that.
atm laughing my ass off when i see finnish military officers saluting while they are lifting russian flag into air on the arena. War veterans turning in their graves lol
amazing show of malkin, true däd
No chance for Petri "Slurp" Vehanen, the god has spoken!
Wtf can a goalie do when our other players are acting like theyd be playing against italy or something?
If a player with skills like Malkin gets the buck infront of our net, he scores no matter whos trying to save it.
ei tosta voi vehasta syyttää
Ei olla syyttämässäkään. Malkin vain liian kova
god blessed him this day
Granlund sentääs teki ensimmäisen maalinsa neljään vai viiteen kuukauteen.
sbornaja > *
ovechkin + malkin :)))
Can someone explain me why Finnish are turning their flag Russian?

Any specific reason?
Because of the semifinal game against RussiaRussia in wc 2012 of hockey. The god named RussiaJevgeni Malkin came and raped the shit out of our casual gamers club. He scored a hattrick
why isnt he playing nhl playoffs ? so called god of hockey :)
1/10 for making me reply
NHL is for talentless faggots.
because Sean Couturier.
nice game. really great play by malkin. now i just hope slovakia will take it :)
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