DayZ Mod

Your thoughts on this mod? Had my first game today and already died. :( Everything went good when staying in the woods but as soon as I started exploring some village I got mauled, even though I made careful espionage of the area.

One of the funniest and immersive games I have played in a while and its still in alpha-phase.

image: dayz-gallery_p7-600x301

Quote225 km2 open world
could try
so if you die you need to make new character?
Yeah and I guess that is what makes it so immersive. You really need to calculate the risks.
looks quite nice indeed
mods and multiplayer working with the cracked edition?
Nope, you need to buy Arma2 for 25e @ Steam.
Looks awesome if you can play with friends. think it's quite boring after few time playing alone! Definitly worth trying tho
True, going to play it with few friends but now Im just getting used to controls as a lone wolf.
looks great
Some people say it will be as big success as Counter-Strike was.
I think it would be true if ArmA was as popular as Half Life when the Counter-Strike first came. Unfortunatly ArmA is a game where you need to spend some time to fully understand all aspects of it and majority of gamers just don't have the pantient for this. :/
Looks cool, mighty try when I'm bored.
2 of my friends bought Arma II and got the mod. According to one of them it's awesome, don't know about the other tho'.
I've been thinking about getting it, but not sure yet. Maybe in the future.
I'd recommend you to buy ArmA 2 because game itself is epic. Really great game.
until they fix ladders, walls and zombie physics no thx
wow looks awesome

might even buy the game to play it, the fact that you only got one life makes it even better!
Started playing this couple of days ago, and man I just love it! In my last session I came across two dead bodies, looted them and got ak-47, six magazines for it, revolver, a map, a compass, a clock, frag grenade, lots of food and drinks, meds and binocs, dat feeling
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