Diablo ³

Why is everyone chearing at this game? http://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/diablo-iii sais it all, 4.1 / 10 on metacritic, and all the reviews on reddit/r/games were bad aswell. Are you all high on advertisement or should I really buy this game?

€: yes reddit is down and im just bored :'(
€²: its back, nvm the question.
gameplay ood
do you know how hard a games has to suck before it gets 4.1 on metacritic user reviews?
reviews suck because all the nerdfaces want innovation innovation innovation, diablo 3 is good because it's simply an "upgraded/updated" version of diablo 2, and it's awesome
Everyone wanted it to be, and sadly its not .Good game overall finished it already.
Things i going to miss forever:

Act wp-s .
Old quest system.
the OLD hirelings.
Fast runs of all kinds ( baal , dia , etc).
the OLD chat where u could see other players aswell ( game feels so dead eventhou theres 10 million players )
!!THE SKILLTREE!! The current skill "base" is a fucking joke. hf facerolling throu hell and infero with 40k+ crits on dh with almost any skill
try the guestpass and check it out for yourself
look at amazon... ppl giving 1 star cause they had to wait 90mins to play on release day...
nerds just mad cuz bad
It's okish, it's not better than diablo 2 for sure.


Your 90% of the time solo in a public game, cause of the stupid system auto adding you.
I hit level 60 before finishing hell and my only option now is to make private games and solo quest or thru friends, cause they thought it would be a great idea to block out public game joining in hell ones you hit the max level.
There is no public chat system in menu screen like d2 had.
Item's are horrible itemized, magic, rare, legendaries don't have value anymore, since a magic item can easily out stat a legendary or yellow.
Some packs are just unavoidable death, getting dragged back in to a pack, get fire under you and getting stunned/frozen/randomshit that makes you unable to move happens quite a lot.
Auction house allows 10 items max per time.
Having to exit cinematics every fucking time you start a boss fight


Graphics are awesome
Cinematisc are just insane, it really looks like there are actual persons playing the roles.
Auction house
So far only played Monk, but im loving it:) the concept is just win

This is so far what I experienced.

Personally I like it so far overall. Only buy it if you going to play with friends, cause soloing d3 isn't as much fun as in d2.
Mhh public gaming worked quite fine for me so far... but ye if you are lvl 60 before finishing hell it might suck.

Uhm actually in d2 magics/rare's could be the most expensive and best items in the game. So I think this is just fine. E.g. BvB items or ghost/hybrid assa claws with fools mod etc. Nothing wrong here in d3.

No they are not impossible to kill. It's just likep laying d2 with a random 4 socket white armor and 4 perfect rubys inside it. You weren't able to kill shit back then as well. Wait a few weeks and everyone will be raping inferno.

Auction house is a really nice new feature for d3. More than 10 items would be nice tho.
Check best legendary weapon in game at the moment: http://diablo3markets.incgamers.com/blog/comments/legendary-set-items-immenseley-undertuned-high-end-weapons-trivialized and laugh. It's insanely rare finding that weapon and when it drops is merely a trophy.

You probably haven't crossed some champion packs which annihilate you within 1 sec. The combined magic attacks some pack do is too much, yes it's rare, but try doing HC and you run into a pack by accident, I'm sure you won't uninstall the game. Out gearing shouldn't be an excuse.
In the end Azurewarth would be better.. it's just really hard to find.

Running by accident.. in HC.. that's where the fail comes. I think the balance is perfect. Especially Inferno seems to be smth interesting for longer than 1 month.
man i hate the new magic find system... it suck balls! i got 140% mf but im completly useless alone. Playing with 3 mates without mf means everyone has ~35% mf. Im standing in the back doing nothing and in the end everyone gets the same magic items.
it's because of diablo 2 but d3 isnt that good
whats your reddit username?
reddit is killing my life man.
too much effect by WoW
Wait, people on reddit actually critically analysed something rather than sycophantically circle jerking over how amazing it is.

Must be troll.
well, you have to visit the right subreddits. Make an account, remove fuuuu, gonewild etc from your frontpage. dont go to /r/gaming, go to /r/games etc. Subscribe to stuff you like (scifi, startrek, hon, dune, gamingp, etc in my case) But yeah, most bigger subreddits have become one big circlejerk with meme's flooding the comments and you having to scroll down half the page to find a relevant informative comment.
I kind of avoid the whole site tbh. Only time I ever visit it is when Baggiez links me a picture of a giant black cock.
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