question for the brits!

so i was thinking about visit England for a couple months and was wondering is it difficult to obtain a visit visa for it?

im being told its not that easy so i was hoping if any of you would know?

You don't need a visa to visit. You can stay up to 90 days without one. After that you would need a visa.
i dont? what would i need to visit it then?
didnt read your edit my bad, and thank you. also would you happen to know anything about sponsorship? my uncle has a buisness in england and hes planning on sponsoring me so i can live there, any idea on that process? sorry im asking alot of questions lol
It's a pretty complicated process and some other people (TosspoT) might have more knowledge on it, but as far as I know, if you're offered a fulltime working job here and someone is willing to 'sponsor' your stay then you should be able to live here as long as that work exists.
doesnt sound too bad. oh and does it matter than i use to live in England? i was born there and left when i was about 10 or 11 because of family problems but thats another story. would i still not need a visa and just visit for 90 days?
If you are a UK citizen then you're eligible to a UK passport, but if you're not a UK citizen then you'll be treated as a foreigner.
makes sense to me, thanks alot man appreciate it
Baggiez.. or new Myshra.
well in these occasions, an airplane might come in quite handy.
he edited his comment -.-
name of the chick pls :D
Rachel Roxx ;)
Using your birth certificate you can most likely claim for a british passport then nothing else matters tbh. I take it you're Polish by your flag, if this is the case Poland is part of the shengan area. Therefore you do not need a Visa to travel through.
However, I'm not sure about the 90 day rule, ALOT of Polish people simply work here as I think that's a right protected by the European Union.

Check out the immigration sites!
no no no its a singapore flag lol. but im not a citezen of it tho. and my birth certificate says i was born in england so does that mean it will be easier for me to obtain the british passport?

my family kind of just left the untied stated due to immigration problems so we are moving around and at the moment we are in singapore
if your birth certificate states that you were born in the uk -> you're a citizen of the uk and therefore you may stay for as long as you like and get a British passport if you wish.
but im not a citezen of uk tho =/. thats only in the states, if you are born in the united states your automatically a citezen but i dont think its the same for uk
you should check that through the uk border agency's website but as far as I know, you can get citizenship if either of your parents is a citizen of the uk or if you're born in the uk. I'm assuming you didn't renounce your citizenship when you left the country.
yeah sure ill check it out. and im guessing not, i was young and my dad kind of ruined everything in england. the genius isnt even allowed in the country anymore. but the laws have changed about obtaining citezenship but ill check it for sure
Get in contact with the British embassy in Singapore, they will be able to give you all the correct information.
not a bad idea at all, thankss
Dont visit, its a shit 'ol
England boring, come to holland where policemen smoke weed and the cheese taste better then ever :D!
lol ill be sure to give it a visit in the future
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