End of an era ! :{D

Time has come to winnermans to stop winning!
Fucking pussy takes too much time so we dont have time for praccing anymore :(

Jari took its first steps in november 2009 when me spuge and pokio started this team :) During these years players have come and gone but the core has been the same. Jari wasn't a serious team at the beginning but we soon noticed how jarispirit made us stronger and managed to win couple of offis. We had a big break when me and spuge had to go to army.(I served 12months, spuge 6). After army I moved to Vaasa and started gayming again. We revived jari with poksu and topsu in october 2011. We started to play more serious and topsu managed to get promising new talent hirvi to join our ranks. After spuge finished his military service we had our lineup complete.

We like to thank all the nice enemys we played agaisnt
:) And ofc can't win gold xD which was best sponsor we've ever had.

Some memorable jari moments :) :
1. http://www.gamestv.org/event/31903-chickens-with-guns-vs-jari-et/
2. http://www.gamestv.org/event/32561-jari-et-vs-mkida/

image: 2012-05-20-222545-supply (got kicked cos owned too hard xD )

very sad day :(
:(too much lol
this will be a memoriabel day in history.. bye bye winnermans
dizel mad for sure XD
very sad to see this fine clan vanish after all the effort i put into it. farewell jari.
Tomi mad =(
I salute you, with special regard to JAPE69!
cu in 2 weeks
revive it now
who the fuck is jari?
team that rolled u 69times
Gimme a proof then.
We are unbeatable.

Only the epic super team can beat us.
tnx for the shoutout toMi !!! kylM4kh0
Reign of KRP will begin!!! 0/
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