House MD series finale.

After 8 seasons it ends today.

Haters gonna hate but i've always liked it. So many good laughs over the years.

Damn I'll miss this series :(
One of the finest series I have ever watched. I hope they will kill him in some odd way (or under weird circumstances), epic serie deserves epic ending.
If it ends with him in jail .... I think I will murder the writers
Duh, he MUST die of lupus!
or sarcoidosis
He'll probably die or something instead. I don't think he could deal with with Wilson being dead upon his return anyway.
house md best series of all time
my guess is that some guy will come in not feeling very well, people wont be sure how bad it is suddenly he will collapse because some doctor wanted to look in his ear when his foot was hurting. House comes in all badass and shit and decides to do some amazing medical stuffs which nearly kills him but rules out that the patient is 100% not giraffe so the search continues and it turns out the rest of house's team haev to break into the guys house to find out CSI like clues that the guy has mouse infestation and there are lots of traps everywhere missing cheese! it turns out that the guy stepped on a trap while sleep walking and got the plague because the mice were in fact rats in disguise rolling on 22's and the world is now doomed and everyone dies but then house does some madskillz and cuts off guys foot which somehow stops plague but makes sure he is an asshole to everyone about it afterwards.

But seriously, I watched first season might actually watch it now I know its 'finishing' I had the feeling it would be cut at any point and its overall popularity was quite a surprise to me.
Did you copy and paste that from somewhere?
probably would have taken me longer to find it then write it.
true, finding it and THEN writing it can't be faster than just writing it
this is why the like button is needed, far easier to just +1 my post then reply with that saying exactly the same thing agreeing with me, surely?
Why would its popularity be surprising.
I personally found it a little repetitive, maybe it just wasnt for me - I dont like that they make him put on an accent either, even if its meant to be accurate / good. But I do like it that a series has an actual ending so will maybe watch it through some time.
Well it follows the same format every time, I've never grown bored with it. It delivers good quality shows consistently.

Its like saying Sherlock Holmes is shit, every time there is a mystery, every time he does some crazy shit no one understands, deduces things no one can deduce and in the end solves the mystery nobody could solve.

Everyone seems to jump on this bandwagon claiming every episode is the same. I wonder just how much of the series these people have actually watched.
yea there is a bandwagon for sure, but you have to admit yourself that it is there to be blown out of proportion. I am not a medical buff so the way its cleared up is simplified for me where as something like holmes he uses something that more people can understand as being brilliant (I guess).

I did watch a lot of the first season, and believe me that means it wasnt that bad as I normally stop after 2-3 episodes if I really dislike something :D whenever at my parents they love it and I dont mind watching an episode or two. I guess I just never caught the bug with this show, as it were ;)
Well I'm a medical student, so I have some interest beyond the storyline.. even if a lot of the scenarios are far-fetched/impossible.
Everybody lies, everybody dies. Will be epic I think.
I think that House will kill himself , dno why
Can't wait to see the SERIES ending... its the last season ever for House M.D....
I hope he dies somehow, shit loads of drama etc! Can't wait!
Thank god, finally
The Wilson staying in House's house (!) episode this season was the best of the series.
Dat ending was so good :D
one of the best series ever for sure. too bad it's gonna end
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