ESL 1on1 ladder

... is active like never before (not sure tho but for atleast 5 years)

If you are bored of playing 3v3 or 6v6, complaining teammates for losing register on esl and join the ladder!

edit: but don't play multi_campplace .. no fun at all, ctf maps are much better.

Good night.
yeah indeed, but too many lame guys winning by rules only and nothing more.

Hello SloveniaTohaj AustriatRs Belgiumharmen and many others
send me 1 match where i won by rules.. that's right none. check you facts.
Snatix don't need to be angry because you lost vs me=) i am just a random noob.
Well, the match should have been a draw since you killed yourself with a nade. admin proved it and an avi has been done. But since i don't have time to waste complainning on shits like this with rules, i gave up and you won the match. Congratulations
the 3on3 vs zentic's team?
so why ppl break them ? it takes 2 mins max to read basic rules on the site so if ppl dont break them they will have no arrgument to win by forfeit :)
First smart comment !
also accidently selfkilling, not even getting an advantage by that and oppo claims forfeit? gg ._.
Just played an offi this evening, fell down from a ladder on silly, died and lost the round. Same shit last time, recieving a nade from an enemy who's throwing me on a barrier, i died and lost the round while i was leading 2 obj to 0.
Well if you agreed on that then its your fault, if admin forced that then he ain't a good admin
Just showing the fair play of the opponents. I know they're just following rules, but that's pathetic. Played an offi against FranceProvok, he died in a barrier during a round when it was close as fuck, but who cares, i just kept playing.

E: Not trying to create any drama cause i don't really care about 1on1, i like to play it but this kind of behaviour annoys me a lot.
" I know they're just following rules, but that's pathetic "

That's the thing, because the rules are wrong and any admin following them is actually a fool not an admin. They could simply fix that. Anyway I can't find anything about falling down on ladder in rules
Does count as suicide, like when you're dieing with your own nade, even unvoluntary or dieing in a barrier.
no fix for that, player will kill theirself and say "wasnt on purpose"

cb found solution, allowed selfkill, but it may take years to finish an obj map with selfkill against fair oppo ( played once 15mins of 1 round on ctf well @ cb ladder, didnt find that funny.

and in my whole "1on1" carrier, i never saw one dying in barrier or fall of his death except if he did on purpose, so i dont know whats going on now with these players.

rules are fine for me, the only fix added was "no push", if you have any idea, feel free to propose.

otherwise keep calling esl admins fools.
Ca m'est arriver 2 fois dans une meme war ( involontaire ) et 4 ou 5 fois depuis que je fais des offis. C'est vraiment chiant!
unlucky bro
" no fix for that, player will kill theirself and say "wasnt on purpose" "

I think you can check that on demo. You don't need to tell me how 1v1 works in CB i played it a lot also

" and in my whole "1on1" carrier, i never saw one dying in barrier or fall of his death except if he did on purpose, so i dont know whats going on now with these players. "

Well but I saw, even I lost a round like that, when I simply lagged while throwing a nade and it killed me

Yes I will call admins a fools, this problem appears all the time, its been so many years and they did nothing to fix that. Rules are not mean to be followed blindly. The purpose of this rule was to prevent people obviously wanting to get respawned with full HP to not die on full respawn time. If admin could actually put a bit of effort to check the demo and see if someone died on purpose it would eliminate atleast a part from controversial results
you didnt get my point,

yes we can check on demos but what can you decide between "on purpose or not" ppl will still whines about your decision.

"If admin could actually put a bit of effort to check the demo"

ofc it would be nice, but do you know how many ticket/protest there is atm? 38, yes 38, dont try to speak about effort pls, we arent here for your own pleasure, we neither spent all of our time for ET, thanks to understand that.
People will always complain about your decision, yes, but atleast someone will actually treat them individually and look on the demo instead of simply following rules.

38 only from 1on1 ladder or in total from ET? That's quite much but there are 7 admins on the list so that shouldn't be a problem even if like you said you don't spend all time for ET
38 for totals,

we arent 7, i dont know whois rly active tho, maybe 2/3 @ esl website.

we are currently 4 on skype so, and not everyone is active. ( 4 on skype, offline+online members ) some stopped, and i dont know about 2.

yes case by case will be better idd, but no can do, not enough admins/time for that.
30 protests atm

handled by 3 admins only, now u can get my point
one of the polish esl admins ran into the multi fence intentionally to selfkill "part of the map=no selfkill" :s
Yeah well the admins is an other story :D
yea, the rules don't rly say anything bout death by fence/falling/whatever, sooo I wouldn't assume it gives you a forfeit loss either ..
sounds pretty retarded
dude lol ? im always friendly to u
1o1 offi?
Quoteedit: but don't play multi_campplace .. no fun at all, ctf maps are much better.

nerd got rap3d
it's not about raped but it's quite hard to play against ppl who e.g kill you once, got an advantage and camp waiting for your move.
haha mate I was talking to jon how about I carry him :D.
Quotebrumu: 1v1?

might play some match when i finish my exams :p
its indeed active, but within the last 5 years there was a time it was even MORE active :p
if I'm right it was a time when over 100 ppl were added to the ladder but half of them got 1000 rank and havent played any match
talking about matches per day value. I've checked it nearl daily in my active times when we tried to push the ladder activity ;)
hope it wasn't crush3r's "cheat with me" time :P
well I beat him back then, so doubt it :p
the fact I started to play in ladder 1v1 again has nothing with that i dont have any clan atm, still like to play 3v3 and 6v6, maybe somebody will pick me up soon.
Play LoL, your ELO sux :D
no time and clearly not fun enough anymore (would lose every single game) :D

edit. altho the rules at ESL 1on1 ladder are far better than the CB ones
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