
made interesting, made in China.

enjoy football nerds!
that ad is actually well made, I kind of like it.
In that article, they are questioning the used motives (war, destruction, shooting...). Well, maybe its a bit extreme but I guess its just metaphore for football, which is an eternal war. Or it might be just a reaction to recent attack on one of their satelites in orbit by Ramos.
actually the best soccer related video ive ever seen, shame its nothing like that in real life.
dafuq is this shit
A pessimistic point of view:
This actually made me think of the third world war. Is there a hidden message in it?
China is taking over the world soon, they will be everywhere. It's not the near future, but maybe in 20-30 years there will be big changes with this attitude.
They work hard, they dont afraid, they are just following the orders that the leader wants.
You can grab anything from your table and you can check the label "made in china". This means nothing at the moment. Or does it?
People will cry back times when USA was the big power. So save all your vintage photos, because facebook-era is the last that you can enjoy. China era is comming, slowly and painfully.
On the other hand, its a credit to America they can have kids starting a company in some garage,bring those companies to the stock exchange and end up being a billionaire by their 30ies like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates or even Zuckerberg. Being the first to invent new things and sell them accross the globe is what made the Brittish Empire big and the States a global superpower. I can see China catching up though I dont see them surpassing the USA per capita income.
they already did - or better - the capital already switched from the US to other countrys
emm no it hasn't
the only reasno why the dollar is still that strong/stable is that all the oli buisness is bound to the $ - but china and india already started to buy the oil from Iran and paying with gold - and that is also the biggest reason to do war to Iran to stop this activity and show the world to be loylal to the trade law - which says oil only for dollars
I know the financial situation of the States is bad, just like their trade balance and yes that stuff has been going on since the early nineties. Still, they manage to come up with new products and have the whole world want and buy them.
true but now its time for change - stop the polution - the next resorce the war will be for is clean water - we must change the way we think and the way we live - and i do not see anything good from the US side
When the war for illogical argumentative chains start, you can be our secret weapon.
fun fact: china can take over USA with just stones and bats because of the size of their population
and the incentive for China to do this is ... ?
i dont know im just saying.........them niggas is crazy
They can take it over naked and unarmed: laws of war technically forbid US soldiers to gun down unarmed hostiles and require them to be taken as prisoners of war. In high number their upkeep would bankrupt the United States.
The key difference that will not change in that time is that Chinese culture is built to copy where as Western, particularly American, is built to innovate.
for once we agree
Jeh I know it's a bit funny, even me dont believe in this. Thats why "A pessimistic point of view".

Sidenote: You laugh and you live in a country where army is mandatory (afaik?). You laugh on that as well?
Completely off topic, but I got questioned for 10m by the police in Hungary Balaton-Fured station for travelling to balaton and using the power in the station to charge our appliances.

We also had to bribe ticket officials.
You corrupt son of a biatch!! Bribing ticket officials!!
There's more to it than that. The fixed penalty is apparently €25, but 'the girls didnt have to pay', meaning we got away with not paying €75. Still, cost us €100 and our train broke down anyway. :D:D
British girls should actually pay double! :)
They are Finnish. They enjoy raping big superpowers for breakfast.
kiitos 1939-45
fking awful video
This is pretty awesome. I just absolutely hate the CG, but that's just my personal preference
Not interesting at all tbh.. I guess its a 'nice' video but... yea everything is said with this.
In the end, fotball wins?
I just wonder myself if it's a advert for our Euro why the heck Chinaman are acting in it ehhh?

I guess i'll have to agree with Nonix there's some sort of hidden message,from my point of view while we Euros kill each other Chinaman will play their game and win,as the video perfectly shows ;)
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