Hey, its me its me again

I dont want my bed to be wet so i know howto know not to sleep in a bed wet

i just wanna show you my pro machine vacume cleaner



i know everything, i know that idiots know howto know nothing nothing at all
she is so horny
no rL friends no unban
ban + /!\
where the fuck is Frop if you need him?
where the fuck is Sol when you need him
Ive been banned for calling the likes of you retarded.

CF rules really work!!!
when u call other ppl names and insult them on a low personal level.l{
"ur mom, ur toys ur beddrocksocks, you this you that twat wahaha you idioten"

because they gave you their own opinion on a free2chat so called community forum

isnt called mocking the "weak" no, not even close, see what ur trying to do and what u are doing, aint fucking with eachother ya digg' ? no ofc u dont because u are as prowen above, officaly a retard.
I tried so hard to understand, but i just failed so hard :S
suck a dick
seareal... quit it you dope.. youre just some "totally" immature kid, just unbelievable how retarded people can act...
ure just like bozar, no friends, no skill and no brains but still a big mouth...
go away since nobody will miss you fucking retard..

Yours sincerely, scow!
banned for saying that sky is blue? nazi cf
just revoke posting rights..
Hahahah .
Ik ga naar je kankerland komen en je doodschieten
Hey Keith, voor je gaat kom je dan hierheen, maak ik je lunchpakket
sup man hows the family?
Hey zeddo mate,

All good till now :D child grows by the day.everyday he's all a smile... sleeping in his crib,big luck with this.
First two months were havier, now he's four :)
Don't have problems with him wakeing up during the night...all Ok :D
I do miss a game late in night I have to admit, but it will go away i guess :)
You? All ok?
sounds nice :), especially the fact you and anca can actually get some sleep x)

i know how you feel about not getting to play much ET, im so busy with school i rarely get the chance myself (the rare times i do get to play are usually 5am with drunk canadians while being equally drunk myself :D), i can feel the low-'ness taking over, even niels is better than me now i bet D:. my semester just finished, which means ive got a bunch of exams the next few weeks, going to be pretty rough :D. oh well, loking forward to the summer ^^
cereal + speedybobo = the retardness spirit on crack!!!
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