Trading some stuff

Since I'm not playing anything on my Steam account I'm willing to trade them for something.

My Steam acc has Brink, CS:S, CS 1.6, DotA2. I also have 4 torrentleech invites that I can add to the trade!

If you're interested, let me know and maybe we can work something out!

PM here!
Dota2, saab seda yle kanda?
Mkm, ma tahan kogu kupatust korraga ära anda. Müün kõik sulle kümne euriga :D
is this the only way u had to find a life ? :D
fuck off nerd, havent played these games for ages :D
it's not allowed to trade torrentleech invites.
too bad, i'm a vip user so i can do whatever the fuck i want
Why would you become a VIP at TL?
It's not that good, and easy to upload with so mainy users.
And being vip user doesn't mean you can't get banned. FYI I at least know one guy who was banned from another private tracker because he was giving invites away here, trading is even worse.
First of all, I am a VIP user because I play poker and I used their promo code on one of the sites and earned it. Second of all, I get everything and more than I need from TL. I can get banned, if I get caught for breaking the rules, which I haven't. And some guy got banned from a private tracker because he was inviting people to use the site. What do you think the invites are for if not for inviting people? Ofcourse you are responsible for the people you invite. I don't get what you're saying.
Pmst, sa ei tohi nende invitedega äritseda/kaubelda/vms. That's it. :D
Ma sain aru ja tean seda, aga mitte mingit vahet ei ole, sest terve maailm teeb seda nagunii ja mitte kedagi ei koti :D
Offering invites in public is not allowed
Trading invites is not allowed.
And i was saying another user here on cf was offering free invites for a private tracker was banned shortly after on that tracker. But if you don't care be my guest. If you get banned there are enough other trackers that are better or similar than TL anyway.
I will trade for sc2
torrentleech invite oleks vinge :) võin rauli vastu pakkuda.
Võin sulle ühe niisama anda, saad Rauli alles jätta endale kaisuloomaks.
Ta tegelikult ei mahu enam voodi :) paks ju. Aga kui sa nii lahkelt jagaksid võid pmi visata, aitäh :)
i trade my lol account vs dota2 :)
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