Tonsil removal surgery

Did you have this surgery? If so, why, and what symptoms did you have after the surgery? And shy did you do the surgery?
Do you know anyone who did it?
Yeah, had some health problems coz of em. After the surgery no special symptoms it just hurts as fuck and you cant eat normal food for few days.
Yeah, I had it. I had a really bad case of it as well. I couldn't eat for 11 days in total. Lost over 12 KG during that period. Only ate 1 juice ice cream per day from the 6-7th day. And that one hurt really bad for me.

I was only on water for the first 6-7 days, might sound impossible, but that's how it went.
Couldn't talk for 5 days, at all. But most people get way less pain and stuff, my tonsils were just fucked up, a lot.
Are you fine now After the healing period?
Do you feel anything different?
Yeah totally fine, only the 11 day period was a fucking pain in the ass, and a week after that a bit uncomfortable. But like after 2 weeks, it was totally OK already, maybe a bit weird, just a little bit though. After that, didn't notice anything.
i assume your did the surgery because of some inflammation?
My first surgery was scheulded in March 2008, 28 March or something. I had to postpone it though, forgot about it. Then in 2010, my tonsils were like extracting poison to my body or sth, cause they were so fucked up. The normal amount was like 0.35% or sth, mine was 2.3% or so. So it was pretty fucked up and they needed to cut them ASAP.
Parent glad you're fine then
only if u wanna get ur ding.dong sliced and scathered
my tonsil will be removed too. 14.06.2010 to be exactly, dont want to :( got a chronic tonsillitis, that'S the reason to remove it. one of my tonsil is totally destroyed and doenst look like tonsil anymore. looks like it is sliced up
why you don't want? is it because of the surgery?
yeah :D no real food for few days, need to stay in the hospital for six days and the pain ofc the first time especially during the hotsummer period.
surgery is a piece of cake, and everyone in the hospital is serving you. it's the last thing you should worry of. good luck!
it's done, im on day 10 now sice the removal and i feel better slowly :)
Nice, hope ull feel better!
Whats the reason for the surgery? Is it a disease?
no...breathing problems (and my tonsil's are huge)
Does many people have problem with the tonsil ?

When i get sick, my tonsil gets longer and it touches my throat / tongue and its fucking irretating

EDIT: oh i see, tonsil aint the boxing bag that is in your mouth :D
Had it when i was like 6, can't remember shit.
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