aNdroit #17 LAN

is there a poker tournament?!

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i got a question, is there a poker tournament?! can somebody tell me!?!?!?
dont know thats why i made a journal
ask Krosan :)))
If someone brings chips, we could play cashgames. NL20/50, PLO20?
PLO20 sounds good! I could bring some decent playing cards, but cba to bring chips
Ofc we can use coins etc, it is just so annoying...
True that. Every LAN I've been to someone has always brought poker chips tho so lets hope we won't be dissapointed this time either! Shouldn't be much of a problem for someone coming there by car.
can a nigga get a rup?
seanza going to be so mad - its Adroits not Androits watfuq man
Android -> Androits -> Adroits
I had to fix that ... :D

Didn't even notice comments first
:D wanted to see Sean reply :O( all mad and shit
there is still a chance
Did you change it back >:(?
as far as i know zhere will be One in saturday night
ik ga gaan he kk flikkertje soort van real life
als je een goeie assi meeneemt voor onderweg mag je in me polo zitten, luister wel gangster muziek meek mill enz
hahahah hoorem hoorem, ik kom misschien 1 dagje die poker toernooi play, kk homo ga je spelen?

geef die ip van teamspeak enzo
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