cures for hangover please :D

it was my dads 47th bday yesterday. I decided to celebrate with him, i thought that ill have a few drinks and thats it, but holy fuck can my dad handle alcohol :D the biggest mistake that i did yesterday was that i was drinking beer,vodka,jack daniels,captain morgans, usualy i just stick to vodka or beer i try not to mix alcohol. Now i have the worst hangover i've ever had, my head is killing me, i still feel sort of drunk(drank till 6am :D) and well basicly... tell me what you do when you have really bad hangovers. Atm im just tryin to get as much water in me as i can, what else can i do?

image: hangover
1l of water before sleep
1l of water waking up
never drink on an empty stomach, usually eating meat before helps.
Anythink with vitamin C in it @ mornings.
Milk usually helps for me. Ibuprofin? Get in a hot shower (44 degrees) for 30 minutes. Don't lay on bed, I usually get dizzy. You just have to wait untill your kidney has broken down all alcohol.
take a shower, eat something, lay down and listen to some chill music

e: and drink water (duh)
No sausages?:D
still coming from soneone having saussage for breakfast :D

and no, bacon, is saltier ;)
fuck that looks so tasty! :D
don't drink alcohol. it always works!
congrats on being 14 and having ur first hangover
thanks buddy<3 :*
Got the same atm. Just ate and that helped a bit.
Fastfood - Aquarius


image: 3999
haha kkem da supplement ook nog genomen, epic doos wel :D en grappige fleskes. Opzich wel speciaal ma lekker smaakske
celebrated my 19th yesterday, have the same :D
happy bday! :)
5 bears and its gone
Water/Jus D'orange

Eat something heavy!
What wsk said. Not only will it rid you of your hangover, you'll also have another great day.
drink a beer ! not joking :)
puke before you go to bed
Ooohhwww yeah!
If only puking become part of everyday life..
get the alcohol out of the body is probably the best "cure" for it, since there is nothing to digest. after that there is a need for water and some electrolyte in your body, which is done by a soup.

i understand your point, that puking is not a solution if you want to be slim, but on the other hand drinking should not be of your daily business either.
I do not puke to be slim, I puke when I've got too much liquid in my stomach or when I know I have to wake up early after a big drinking party (like 3 hours after I got back home). I don't get your last point tbh, it has nothing to do with the current topic :D
I thought you was trolling me :D
Hahahaha, noooo!
How could one fail to agree with the "puke-and-feel-better" trick? :p
Eat as much as you can.
Sugar (Coca Cola)
Don't stay in your bed.
Don't try to masturbate.
Why shoul sugar help? Totally nonsense... Must be placebo for u
Dunno, maybe energy as ByTheWay said.
Anyway, when I know I'll have a big headache, I never go to sleep without my bottle of Cola nearby my bed.
You can smoke the hangover away with weed and mostly drinking water.

When you are hangover you usually feel like shit and you dont want to eat or w/e, but drinking water and eating "healthy" food is the best cure for hangover.

pd: take couple of pills for headahce
food n vitamins n drink little more in morning :D
drink more
drink more
drink more/fast food/pills/sleep
Fastfood and orange juice

you're welcome
Magnesium pill before sleep. Anything that has lots of salt in it will help to get fit!
just eat some fatty greasy foods or sumthing idk.
and drink water ofcourse.
much vitamins.

or just dont drink beer :D
water+long walk
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