Casual LoL pwning

image: Qk9Hz

I'll just leave this here... Btw does it have some LoL websites with guides other than solomid and lolpro?

87cs in 49mins? :DDD

lvl 19 so cute :D

e: and yes there is
but i thought mobafire is not good cos dem noobs put guides up
dunno, just read guides, maybe try 1-2 for a specific champ, and see what u like

the guides of proplayers wont always help u, since they may have a way different playstyle than u got, so try out other stuff and see whats ur way of playing the game
mobafire = builds for noobs, made by noobs :D or somtimes there are some made by more skilled players and 60-80% of this builds won't work if you actualy don't farm to get this items fast enough, like going for roa 1st and finishing it 20-30 min...sometimes its passive wont stack to max before end of game :P

I belive that you should read some overall guide about lol like lane mechanics, map awearnes, brain plays, jukes,timing and then when you get this actualy try to master any champ you play, find your own way to play champ.

atleast thats how I learned to play ;p worked fine.
well he asked for a page and i remembered this one, im not into reading guides, im just playing a champ, maybe sometimes im going to search for a guide, when im not sure about how to put my masteries or runes, but normally i wont go for guides, just play and find out what u are able to do with which items, against which champion and so on

lane mechanics isnt based on a specific champion in my opinion(so not guide specific), its more like overall knowledge u should have
overall knowledge is exactly what I meant :) you won't learn that from single guide ;p
and not necessarily from playing a single champion ;)
didnt said I play only one, did I?

you have to learn how to play with almost every champ in the game to know what to expect from your oponent so you can predict his moves and counter him etc. ;p
no u didnt, was just my addition to ur comment before :D
oke, do you play on east maybe? :PP
na im on west :D
Solomid is overall best for guides. Otherwise streams is the best way to learn, and you should really try frozen mallet + wits end ww. Its ridiciouls how OP that build is.
i wanted to play the q spam build

otherwise i would have bought Wiggles Lantern, wits end, frozen mallet and guardian angel
wriggles is overrated toplane each time i see someone go for it i know i win the lane
I agree. Only champ i build lantern(against certain champs) nowadays is Irelia.
Not worth the gold most of the time.
But o well how could I know, toplane is fucking bullshit and I hate to play it.
irelia stomps every toplaner there is if played and build right. Who would you build wriggles against?
I'm not toplaner, when I still used to play top a bit more i found out matchup vs riven really easy to roll if building lantern, without lantern i usually ended up losing.
better for jungle, yes
Is frozen mallet really worth it? I like to build wits end, spirit visage(enought health+extra healing+cdr for q and even mr for so cheap price compared to 3250 mallet prize), frozen heart and GA. Just spam q all day long and I can't see the slow from mallet being that benefical after laningphase.
i like it on ww. ok its expensive but you get 700hp for it + some ad and you can chase opponents cause of the slow. i only get it if i have much farm or many kills

what item would you recommend instead of fm?
frozen mallet is perhaps one of the best items in the game, same goes for rylais if your AP. It gives so much utility with the slow
haha and i get 24/1/11 in ranked XD

19 level

nuff said
shit farm is shit

nuff said
are you serious?

if that is what you call LoL pwning, then I might post my 38-5 stats too :S normal games are too easy

go play ranked :)
hes lvl 19 xd
I know. Thats his own fault. You can't be pro before you reach level 30!

remember those days where I was like level 15 and owned everyone with master yi. And the only thing I cared about was stats. Good old days!!
its ez with yi @ normal game

i remember the time we were 2 hiding at bushes for mins and didnt know shit about tactic, team composition etc
that build and that cs vs 'decent' people and your stats would be 0-10-2 or smth.
But you'll learn with time, i hope
nice ownage :) gg :)
i dont post my normal game stats here either
because you suck :s
normal games are too easy to suck in...
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