server admin question

I need something for etpro .6b which I can easily manage bans with.. and ban players who are not online at the moment using their ETPRO guid and/or ip address.

Something like the admin commands on etpub.. I wan't to be able to disable that killing spree, and all those sounds and stuff.. I only want the administrative commands..

Like kick, ban.. which I can set to certain players who are trustworthy to remove idiots from server. Anyone know some mod/lua that I can use for this purpose?
oh i remember that tool, that may be a good alternative to what I said.. I'll give it a try thanks..
Yea this won't work, this requires PB. I'm looking for something like !ban player reason.. or some tool like the one you suggested but which doesn't need PB running on the server
you can kick without pb on the server.
I know, I'm not asking about kicking lol
etadmin.mod, but you cant run tzac then because of the fact it needs your pb guid to give you your level.

fix for ip banning, only for people with rcon/ftp:

1. Make a config named: bans.cfg
2. In the config, put:

addip [ip of the person you want to ban]
3. Put /exec bans.cfg in your server config
4. every time if you need to ip ban someone, addip him in the bans.cfg, execute the bans.cfg with rcon

that should fix your ip banning method
yea I don't run tzac so that isn't an issue. I also don't run PB, the entire folder is removed even..

That ip banning thing is nice, never knew that.. never had a need in etpro for something like this. Thanks I'll try it


Note for anyone who reads this: If you want to remove someone's ban just go and do it in the console.

rconpassword [yourpassword]
rcon removeip [playerIP]
works great, thanks. Is there a way to modify ban reason too? or set a duration for a ban?

Also any way to ban an ETPRO guid?
check etpro docu for that, not sure and actually never thought about it, anyway did you also think on how you're gonna store these bans?

you could ask antman / perl0 to create you a lua that also does echo the 'addip' to bans.cfg

anyway why dont you trust tz-ac and dont use pb either? it is actually doable to use etadminmod on tzac, "the grow room" also runs it, if you're gonna base your AC policy on the etpro AC database then GL, also etpro guids are not reliable at all..
Yes I'm aware of the ETPRO guid problems, but to an amateur it would keep them out. IP addresses are also useless to ban anyway since most people have dynamic IPs. Still..

Why no TZAC? Read here:

Why no PB? obvious..

I've never heard of the grow room. I don't think antman is avi since I already contacted him about something else straight to his email I got from his website and he does not respond.

Can't find perl0 in crossfire, don't know where to find him other than that.
heh good point, eventhough I've thought about it a lot, it didn't pop into my mind this time (about the whole attracting new players to ET thing) ^^

This is the guy I mean btw,
He doesn't seem to be online on irc anymore, can't remember where I used to find him :x
ah okay thanks anyway, I will try installing etadminmod again.. Last time I tried I got distracted by something else and gave up. I think what I was missing was a shrubbot admin file.
Perlo still has his BNC (BNC|Perlo_0ung|) online on a few channels, although he's not online that often, he could be the guy for this task (I know I'm not)
I think it's possible to change etadminmod to work based on ETPro GUIDs. Shouldn't be hard to mod it to work on TZAC GUID either.
029 is latest release? is there an official site still up?
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