bf3 150 ping?

I bought bf3 couple of days ago...

Now i visited a few servers and i always start with arround 20 ping
but suddenly it goes up to 150 PING and stays like this the whole time

I have a instant ping of 48 on ET and 40 on COD4 or something never had probs before

"And no comments like buy good internet or stop dl porn"

Dont think i need better inet then this to play
image: 1969778474
Op welke server speel je dan? Amerikaans?
daarnet zelf op nl servers
ook al de geprobeert
Op BF3 heb ik ook last van veel verschillende PING's. Ene keer zit ik 200 andere keer stable 18. Zou het ook niet weten, ti's niet dat ik er last van heb!
hum, you have fibernet xl right ? something is wrong with ur connexion, i have also fibernet xl 95/4,75, you have only 65/3,80
don't have XL just the normal fibernet...
ah dit abonnement bestaat niet meer
fibernet shake
a lot of slow routing points lately :/ also you could try to reduce the network smoothing
and how u do that
buy good internet or stop dl porn
my thoughts...
bf3 48 ping?
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