NL Providers

Hey Crossies, LAN-attending-Crossies and especially NL-Crossies,

to update Facebook, Twitter an Co during the ET Masters, I need a throw-away SIM card (micro sim!) with an internet flat which shouldnt be to expensive.

Any suggestions on that? And where can I get them?

Shouldnt cost more than 15€ since I'll only use it for the LAN.

regards and cu@lan,


image: warnet-32
Why not leech the LAN wifi?
Sean wasnt sure there is any.
There was last LAN, but it was meant to be only for the staff etc.

Me and Meez were leeching it, and it did the job nicely! It definitely has a wifi point
yeah, been talking to Sean, as a member of WinFakt's management and coverage crew I'll be granted access to the WiFi
KPN, Hi, Telfort, Vodafone, BEN & etc
KPN - Vodafone ; Steal your money.

Hi - Telfort ; Shit.

Ben - Tmobile ; rather get 1 of these.
I have Hi & Ben.
Hi, 250 Call mins 950MB free SMS 25 jews
Ben, 150MB, 150 Call mins Free SMS 10 jews.

U jelly?

E; 1 number for the normal peepz & 1 number for the sluts.
You're paying for limited internet.

Must be awesome to get slow internet after that shit has been used.
Nope, just normal :D
950MB - Hi
150MB - Ben

I got unlimited - Tmobile
ujelly ?:D
No, I can't even get to 500mb xD
Parent go for prepaid and than

You can choose between:
(day)Dagbundel (tot 20 MB) € 1,- voor 24 uur
(month)Maandbundel (tot 200 MB) € 10,- voor 30 dagen

Don't know if they send outside NL.
reallife facebooknerd
have to update my FB with pics of you and me! ;)
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