Hellow from Harrow!

Usually when I go to Lans with iTG I would scream to the rooftops about where I am, Shanghai, Singapore etc, well this is no exception!

Live from the Harrow Arena oposite debenhams we're about to go live for the esreality Quake 4 invitational, its going to be a nice event, its very different to the others i've been in the fact that we're just worrying about 1 game and its in england.

This is going to be the strangest part, for ET casts I'd guess maybe 10% of the audience are english? So only they understand quite how unfunny my jokes are, now the whole audience (of about 40 people) will all sit and stare at the lanky guy whos jokes arent funny! Oh well thats when I'll cut to red :P

Should be a really nice event for its matches aswell, the UK has some alright duellers, CPL 8th and 9th are here and whilst toogood is the favourite it cud go either way.

( Inside The Game )) (( Today on iTG: Q4 VIA Esreality LAN [-] <-astz-> -vs- <-Zaccubus-> with your hosts ReDeYe & TosspoT @ [-] Tune In: http://www.radioitg.com/listen1.pls ))

Theres your nice spam :D
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