LoL Tips

I installed LoL a few days ago, and it's going better and better. Still I feel that I'm a complete fucking noob, and there is a lot to learn. In the vast amount of LoL guides (character and gameplay), I find it hard to seperate the sheeps from the goats.

So my question to you pro LoL'ers is, where would you advise me to begin to become an insane pwner like you guys? And what hero would you advise me to buy?


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play don't buy hero save money to get better hero play again read forums read hero specs play again


and try to play with ppl u know as they're too many retards on mixed games
gtfo with LoL! You are killing ET
first one is sheep, second one is goat, not that hard imo :S

For Estonians perhaps, where either is still a national currency.
urs is jews and gas still i suppose :P?
Bratwurst and Lederhosen, we lost all jews and gas in WW2.
save your money till ur 20, you'll unluck the tier 3 runes by then and you can buy them all at once if you save your money, make an AD and an AP page

by then you'll have played quite few champs with the free week rotations, buy the champions you liked to play

play with people you know if possible because it's hard to not play with mongols in mixed games

last hit as much as you can if you're a carry, farm is really important

last thing, buy wards, not much people will do it but it's a key thing
Support/tanks underrated.
for a beginner it's not really the best idea to start with a support/tank, requires some experience in positioning/awareness etc

but thats just my 2cents
save all ur money dont buy a single champ untill u make a basic ap and a basic ad rune page. then u buy the champs that u liked during the free week rotations, after u done this u will understand how LoL works and u can buy more specific rune pages etc.

i did it like this started off with ryze
then i bought malzahar (shouldve went for rune page, but ryze is a real pain in the ass to learn when u are a bit unknown to the game, trust me)
then bought ap rune page and ad rune page
then bought 2-3 champ per every role and master them. (ad carry, ap, ad top, support, jungle)
lastly more specific rune pages (also the point where i started to play ranked games)
and here i am now buying my 1st champ again after a loooong time of buying runes

this is in like 1 year time without buying RP.

i would advice u to buy a bruiser (ad top) champ because that is the role where u can mostly snowball further into the game. id say darius, wukong, jarvan, garen(extremely noob friendly), tryndamere. these are the most forward champs with no real strategic build-ups or w/e these are just farm and kill champs mostly. and u buy almost the same things with any of these champs.

u can also use sites like or for specific items and shit on champs

hope this helped somehow :D
Buy Yorick, rape games > profit.
Fucking Yorick is so fucking shit man. Fortunately he is shit in a late game.
Shit late game? Not really, if he is then you should consider building him different :P
I've never played Yorick, he's so boring. Yorick is best laner I would say because of his high sustain, poke and mixed damage. So damn hard to win him on lane, without ganks it is almost impossible.
I think he is pretty weak in late game. I have never seen Yorick dominating in a late game or doing specially good. I just think other bruisers are better than Yorick in a late game.
Other bruisers might be when they are in the late game part where 600-700 crits are done.

But yes, Yorick is an amazing laner (His poke and sustain are funny:D). The main point with Yorick is aswell that you wont reach late-game ;)
hes obviously building manamune->triforce yorrik ":D"
Works well on low lvl tbh ;) Think I only lost 1 or 2 games with Yorick (out of 20+ games with him)
trundle > yorick
don't buy yorick
Got him on one of my lower level accounts which I use to play with tomo, eddo, phesje etc :P Have no problems winning games with him tbh.
Parent , everything u need
just watch some stream and if possible play with ppl who know the game, faster way to learn a lot.

i used to play only ryze till lvl 8 xd

imo you can buy 1-5 champions till lvl20 (dont waste more than 5k/7k for champs before to buy ap+ad runes, or only ad/ap if you play only 1 kind)
-dont buy runes lvl 1or2 save ip for runes lvl 3
-solomid, mobafire, lopro for guides
-save ip for better champs
-try everything out (jungler, mid, solotop, support, ad carry)
You should check guides for different champions. Try to last hit the minions instead of attacking them all the time, just get the last hit on the minions to get the money!

Watch the tournament streams, you'll learn thing or two while watching them.
image: average_pubbie_in_dota2_by_fruitscs-d4wo9yd

This will do.
ahha nice one :D
People saying that don't buy runes is just plaing wrong. Buy as much as possible lvl 1 runes(cheapest ones) and use rune combiner to combine 5 lvl1 runes to 1 lvl2 rune. Repeat infinitely untill you get most of lvl3 runes. The more u combine, the less are odds you get a rune u need, so just do it at first, but later on buy straight lvl3 runes. You will save a lot of IP via that way(30k-50k IP maybe).

Or just get this:
Watch some streams , (Dyrus , SK wickd, Ocelote ,rainman so on ), learn to last hit(explains it in tutorial) and try to understand how enemy champions work like if they spells are skillshots(spells you aim to hit) or not because some spells are easy to dodge. , try different champions.Find someone to play with who can teach you moar.
But i think you should find champion which you like the most and gather IP for champions you would like to buy and if you reach lvl 20 you should gather IP for runepage if you reach 30 you can get runepage it will be easier to play then.
My first favourite champion was fiddlesticks because it was most similiar to WoW's warlock so i played him alot.
cruzerthebruzer best lee sin.
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