Liverpool manager saga

anyone interest in this crazy story? :D

Hope it won't be Rodgers...
it wouldnt be a good career move imo - this is mainly why they can only attract managers from lower clubs / struggling ones etc.

They would be better off bringing back Rafa
I was always saying,that Rafa Benitez has to be our #1 target...

But FSG wont give to manager full control,which Rafa had...
He would have a lot more respect if he stayed at Swansea for sure
Liverpool are an average club with a mediocre whining fanbase obsessed with their victim mentality whilst murdering innocents, no cross support from elsewhere and with only 2 aging good players and a heap of very poor ones. 8th was them overachieving - they're akin to Fulham, Stoke and Wigan. Why would anyone promising want that job? As merl says the only reason you'd take it is for the money. Scousers are by and large scum.

The real big news of the past few days are that Leeds United are in takeover talks ^^
Quote whilst murdering innocents,

Michael Shields? Heysel? Camden? Hillsborough?
How u can mention Hillsborough?...

my english is not good enough for this...
By all accounts the police were incompetent and the stadium not fit for purpose, with corrective actions that could've been taken & a tunnel leading into a bottleneck that asked for trouble. I've spoke to Leeds fans that were there a few seasons prior to & reckon they're lucky it didn't happen to them. However had the pissed up scousers not turned up just prior to kick off and stormed the ticket barriers (as they often did and still do [the 2005 CL final being a recent high profile example]) nobody would've died that day.
They still view getting into the ground without a ticket as a rite of passage for young fans.

Not to mention all the stories of Liverpool fans turning up at games without tickets and mugging their fellow supporters.

Horrible bunch of fans, them and Chelsea deserve each other.
why wouldn't he?
Camden,Michael Shields?
How is he a retard? Fair enough you can say that "charging" was part of the English game back in those days, but the problem with liverpool fans charging the Juventus fans at Heysel was that charging didn't exist in Italian football, and they charged at the standing section that contained children.

Whether or not charging was a usual thing for English teams to do, the end result of it that day was the deaths of 39 Italians with 600 injured.

You look at the two biggest stadium disasters in European football (Hillsborough and Heysel) and what do they both have in common?
Judging the entire population of a city and the boroughs around it based on your experiences with football fans of just 1 of the teams that plays there, nice. That mediocre whining fanbase that stretches globally. Your right I fear we are over-achieving, I'd hate for us to go down and to be the next leeds.
Not even a Liverpool supporter, but +1. His brain span is mediocre.
I did preface it with "by and large" :-)

I've never met a scummier class of people. Of all the towns in northern England. Speaking as someone that has cousins living there & friends at uni in Liverpool.
I've just moved to Leeds from Liverpool. It has exactly the same type of people with the same attitudes. Both places have scum areas as well as nice. But i'd be a fool to say by and large the people of Leeds are scum and i'd be an even bigger 1 to make that assumption if I didn't even live in Leeds :-D
You can only lose if you take that job. No one wants his reputation destroyed like Rafa.
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