Diablo III Inferno tactic

Soooo yesterday winfakt lineup has been formed, we've got exactly one day (today) to pracc and make tax --> insta pocal @ lan.
silly lan lineup is silly
haha that clip is so true xD
So.. Where's razz?
He took a huge knife and carved his name into all of our backs to never be forgotten, basically killed the original winfakt lineup :d
I smell shenanigans! Please be kind enough to tell what happened and give me my dose of e-drama for the day =)
in short: he couldn't get over the loss and said he bought a motorbike. He said he still had money to go but didn't wanna waste it with this team unless winfakt would pay him to go
but if he did it on your backs, how are you suppoed to see it (mirrors arent allowed!)
picture with phone
too bad there aren't any teams praccing :[
no top teams maybe, it won't really matter if u have only one day to pracc, just need to get in game and get a little bit of team feeling lol, one day praccing against anexis or finns wouldn't have changed a thing apart from a motivation drop?:D
Yea could be, and that lineup btw no comment on it xD anyways see you at lan!

ps. Did you find my one handed over 1000dps weapon yet?!
haha well I think its a decent enough lineup considering the date we're at and well, simply no other players available on such short notice, unless you wanna gamble nd wait till tomorrow or friday to get confirmation ;D
no haven't just one or two 650-700 but i stopped playing my wiz for now, found it kinda boring, i love to run fast n dodge shit so i made a DH, more fun for me :D cu in enschede m8
is there even a 1k+ 1h weap..? don't even think I saw one and I'm pretty much farming/looking AH often
Atleast whenever I check AH there is :p but they cost way too much :(
there is nothing expansive in Diablo, go farm Act III @ inferno, there is an amazing farm spot

I was doing 3m/day (average) with this spot
my monk isnt that good :(
where ? share it with da group
24/7 pracc for some teams :)
We didn't pracc with the overload lineup before the E-series lan so I predict the same outcome, rape face and win money cash bitches you homo.
Sorry, you are missing a important lanwinning factor.
HAHA :D ik zat al te wachten
yes I miss NoHead aswell :(
haha ik lees het nu pas :D succes a sahabi
ahahah so true :D thats what i do, but i die after 10 secs of running :<
stack on movementspeed gear :)
Please, I just jump there and save your ass every time if that is happening..
That vid is so true :/ specially as barb....
Those birds would be dead in 2 second if they faced my demon hunter
i cant even kill diablo in normal... his stupid shadow too stronk
np i did it in the 6th try :D
too much LoL for you and you don't know how to play any other game.
no1 needs another game than lol
no scrub* needs another game than lol
awsome video :DD
Video seems legit.
good luck with new LU. Just read tacticbook and hope for the best result
tacticbook ??????
fuck i dont remember who finnish player used tacbook
Ohhh nee, het is xPERiA
het is juh boi xperia
man I wish I could get my money back, game is already boring me :< back to bf3
kid acting tuff, prolly never played d2 not so tuff after all
Glad gifty comes nevertheless. :) GL to you guys!
lmao looks like a barb
Quest completed.
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