Need a vacation?

I really need a vacation and tomorrow i'll leave my house and my small computer room to go here:


image: danilo

see you next week <3

looks nice, i want to go to Bora Bora :X
Seems like a great place. Hope to go to Italy someday, seems like a really interesting country!

edit: i just don't understand why there isn't a bridge from there to the "scilli island"... it's so short!
its like 20 years its should be made but still nothing.

mafia: do not want
Ye i was like "this is fucking close.. lets check google maps if there is a bridge...." and all i saw was boat "lines" loool ... even Pooooortugal has a 12km bridge! :D
thanks to mafia we still live 50 years in the past
:( that sucks
shit happens. id like to move somewhere else maybe north europe
no way dude... going from a nice place, with decent weather and beachs.. to a cold country, rainy.. nstuff? :<
what i hate about my country is the people. maybe in different country i can find different people. who cares about the weather? :| i like winter though
Campania>* tho' :s
calabria aint something special :(

but happy vacation !
I could use some time off ^_O
ah man I need me a beach holiday! Booking flights to Roskilde Festival this weekend. Have me a volunteering job there for a few days & then bands the rest of it.

Enjoy :O)
I want to do Roskilde once :( Are you going alone or with friends?
Alone at the minute. I'm pesting a few people to join but it's with a volunteer group so should be ok!
Come along we can drink & talk about Pink Floyd
I've spent all my money on the local festivals I'm going to do so unfortunately I don't have the time/resources :(!
pfff could use one too, deadlines driving me crazy ;s
haha , the song fits so well :D
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