non-pb etadmin (or tzac)

Any way to do this? Any modified versions out there?

Wanna try etadminmod + no pb (using etpro guid)
or etadminmod + tzac
adminlevels or gtfo
There is KMOD+. ETAdminMod but in LUA Script.

  KMOD+ v0.5.7
  KMOD+ Forum

Quotemain features:
- TZAC support
- Complete shrubbot support
- Comes with a set of most used admin commands
- Ability to write your own commands and share them easily (Drag & Drop)
- Killing Spree’s / Multi-Kills
- Banners
- Player Inactivity
And lots more.

Installation notes:
Extract the into your etpro directory, and add "kmod+.lua” to the lua_modules cvar.
Make sure the fs_homepath and fs_basepath cvar’s are set correctly to the ET directory.
Please report bugs back to

And don’t forget to share your custom made commands with us.
thx ill check it out
theres no real instructions to this.. It has some things saying what to do but the files don't even exist lol..
Talked to Wooooo last week or so about this. REALLY want to give it a try and hope it works., Having shrubbot back would be great
fu sneak
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