Euro 2012 racism

I just saw this documentary about racism/hooligans in poland/ukraine.....

Retards... well gonna enjoy the police <-> hooligans fights anyway!

image: attachment
Yea i watched that, was a very good watch but makes you wonder what the hell is wrong with some people? Granted most people here have said a lot of non politically correct stuff but racism like this? I think it's disgusting.

-e- On a side note, you don't fuck with English hooligans. They dont need no special forces training to go big, because they are the big dogs at the end of the day.
for once... english hooligans should be allowed 2 go there :D
Why ?

English hooligans are racists as well. They hate you because you support another club for example or another nation. Point is still the same.
Some may well be, but they don't drape banners and racist slurs like that of poland/ukraine at matches and get away unpunished.
Dont see anything racists there. People are just proud of their heritage.
It always makes me mad when hooligans call theirselves football fans, because all the actually want is to fight. 80/90% of them dont even care about the game...
QuoteBalotelli: Throw bananas, and I will kill you even if I have to go to jail
Ah je was sneller :{

Die kerel is echt een held XD
haha idd :D
Expected that gif of the kid saying That's racist!
the black guy has nothing 2 do with it.. :D just wanted to say i'm gonna enjoy the fights!
I think I have seen this or same kind of document about a year ago.
Ballotelli already made it so every retard will buy a banana...
Uncultured, uneducated, Eastern European rats.
how the fuck can someone be 'uncultured'? this just proves that they have their own culture :S
You seem to be misunderstood, look it up or something.
nah please explain i dont understand :S
image: wtf
nice geography skills morons
and Yugoslavia :D
Shows how bad that "documentary" actually is. Don't believe everything tv tells you, especially BBC.
well, in fact its true, same is in CZE. But this counts for poland, so i dont think it will intervene in the affairs around EURO 2012
man did u see the end of the vid? where those retards just run to the indian guys supporting their own team... it just sad
Yeah, i've seen them. I completely agree that's the dumbest behaviour ever ( since they were supporting the same team). I won't speak for Ukraine, but i can tell you that it wouldn't certainly happen in Poland ( and if it actually would, police would have those guys pinned down in a matter of 1 minute max).
nice video, everyone who is a bit interested in football should watch it.
Balotelli will kill someone if he/she throws a banana on the field

Yeah bcoz World cup in South Africa was soooo safe. Every country have issue
Austria, Czech Republic and Yugoslavia...
deal with it
yeah euro is racist cause they not allow Africans to play !
wow :S didnt know poland is such a racist country, ukraine is well.. ukraine
you realise its only hardcore fans that are like that not the whole society?
Its still part of your society and as an Europe country you have some serious issue to solve. I can say you for sure that in Estonia we dont have racism like that on or off the court.
there are racists everywhere. Here in Denmark we have a hooligan group called 'White pride'. They're both nazis and racists afaik.

and tbh I doubt that there are more racists in poland than anywhere else.
I dont see a difference between English football hooligans and these Polish/Ukraine hooligans.
You are an idiot tho. English hooligans fight for the sake of fighting, not like these racist thugs.
So you are saying they are as retarded as those racists ?
There r racist everywhere... even in ur precious country
EUFA need their heads examined. how could you even consider this angry 3rd world country full of morons as a host for a great football tournament?
Agree, same with fifa tho, 2010's WC in SA was also bs imo :X (not about the games, but about the local civs etc, not that they are morons, but you don't do that shit in a country like that)
Aint the next WC in Dubai or smtn? Cuz that shit's retarded aswell.
I know, corrupted bullcrap
Thanks for calling my homeland "3rd world country full of morons" you guy from Scotland which is not even a country. Very smart move and intelligent opinion I see.

I hate poles as well but it doesn't mean whole country is like that. Government is shit, economics are shit, sports are shit but my country has it's great history, unlike this whole "Scotland" (which is only a part of UK btw.).
What the fuck does your "history" even has to do with this? Most people think that Poland just isnt capable of hosting the EC in a smooth way. I really hope that you can prove us wrong, but I doubt it.
It isn't. Euro 2012 will be horrible. We have no roads, no stadiums, racism and stuff like that. I never said it's going to be good. But insulting my country is on the other hand and it's not good in any way. We might be strange, we might not be capable to host Euro and there is no doubt about that, but it doesn't mean we are 3rd world country full of morons.
QuoteScotland is a country that is part of the United Kingdom.

Please read this small pages. it may open your closed eyes slightly to just how wonderful, beautiful and totally fantastic my entire country is and everything in it is touched by gods fingers.

sorry, i dont mean to call your entire country horrible things. im sure there are many polish people that are good, decent, honest and dont call everyone whores.....i just havnt found one yet.

(i do have some polish friends in ET, sorry to them, youll know im just taking the piss <3 )
I like Scotland too! Had many friends there. Just that I never thought about it as a real country, more of a nation that is placed inside UK. I understand you same as you understand me. Also I'm quite used to be named of horrible things. Poles are not the best people in the world and I can see why my nation is not liked the most of all of the countries. But still I had to react to that.
you're 40 and you get manipulated by documents like that?
Saw this video while it was airing, and it's mostly bullshit. To me this is yellow press. For example, Ziga zaga has nothing to do with Nazism, English football fans used to do it too. You can find incidents like this in every country. And don't forget that it's a different culture and not everyone is paranoid about racism.
And nothing will happen at Euro, because there will be shitloads of police and nobody wants problems.
its "zicke zacke" kurwa!
sad video.. but then again :XD hosting an EM in Poland :XDDDDDDDD

wtf u doing UEFA
Quotehosting an EM in Poland :XDDDDDDDD

why is that bad? I mean ukraine had way more problems than poland. Of course the roads aren't perfect and so on, but I still think that they did a pretty good job. I'm sure that there will be less problems in poland than in ukraine
even Austria and Switzerland had problems with organizing and traffic problems and off also needed to help each others out with police force. I know the comment wasn't very polite but I'm just being reasonable because you can't host an EM without all the needed requirements.

I'd like to say i'm really dissapointed in this community, but, to be honest, i'm not. You buy everything the guys from TV want to sell you, even such biased reportage like this. You can't think for yourselves, unfortunately. Why would british TV want to show the bad side of ALL (not only polish/ukrainian) supporters? Oh, wait. I've just happened to recollect that there are Olympics going on in July in Great Britain?
But what does it have to do with EURO, you may ask. If you haven't figured it out by now, Britain cares about people who may come and visit England during Olympics, and since there is a really little interest in it from whole world, such reportage is a way of encouraging people to stay in England during EURO ( and thus saving lots of money to spend it during Olympics). Moreover, i can understand a bit the bitter of British people since they've lost the next World Cup bid to ALL COUNTRIES interested (Russia, Belgium & Holland, Portugal & Spain), thus the passion in hating "barbaric countries' such as Poland and Ukraine :D.

All these informations are perfect to assumed thesis that Poland/Ukraine didn't deserve to be the hosts of EURO2012. All other informations gathered by this reporter (which were showing the positive aspects and readiness of polish police, polish supporters etc) were just thrown away. This isn't even worth calling a reportage. The end.

Yes, english isn't my native language. ;)
That's sad :/

...i would just agree with racism if it was BelgiumGoku :DDDDdd
Wait till the UK massive go over there. Only ever 1 winner. g5.
Yeah, we've got plenty of them in Cracov. Most of them are drunkards littering the "old city"(?). True g5.
I'm one looking forward to the brawl. OK, killing each other goes a bit far, but as long as it's done in the streets where women/kids are, then go for it.
the english will get destroyed by those polish guys :3
haha england and hooligans? it was 10 years ago man, now they're getting beaten every night over here like pieces of shit
I hope you've grown significantly so, you do realise that the Polish and Ukrainians are built like brick shit houses yea? and any ones who will be looking for a fight will be the 24/7 gym lads.
Fucking massive,

I'm not going. Gonna make a film in Canada instead!
After watching that I think I am now going to watch The Football Factory and Green Street Hooligans. Dunno why, just had some urge.
Streets of krakow gonna be full of blood of fucking english and germans faggots thats all that i can say
image: 574854_124519361013464_1594432694_n
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everyone knows that we're the best hooligans in europe atm only serbian and turkish can comapre with us others are already licking the ground

here you go:

image: Masomenos-%E2%80%93-Purple-Balloon
what about croatian?:) Torcida etc.
Just like the fuss prior to SA & the protection needed against guns & rudeboys. Or Germany when even then the Pols were supposed to kick off... the country will be on lockdown.
Haha its just fun, people have to go with the kickboxschool and fighting with some dumb hooligans.
This is well known.

I think poland vs russia & Ukraine vs france and england should be interesting.
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