Adroits LAN headset selling #2

Since my last post didnt show that much success, I'll do a repost.
I still have a Steelseries Siberia v2 Headset at home wich I dont use anymore.


It still works, used it for maybe half a year, looks brandnew.

I would sell it for 40€!!!, cost for a new one: 70€ (Price triable!), and I want to know if you really want to buy it or not, I dont want to share it with you during the LAN and in the end you say you dont want it.

Pm me here on crossfire if you are interested, guess I'll be at the LAN-center at saturday morning.

Last but not least, cu lan!
kannste mir schenken, bring mit den scheiss !! :D
ein comment pro dekade von fatih und dann sowas :D
gib mir einfach n paar gramm haze dafür :-D
wir machen uns das ding schon klar ;)
there is no room for that in the car sorry
Will beat you up and just take it.

last time you wanted to sell it for 50 euros, why the extra 5 eur?
I actually noticed that 50€ for a headset, wich is nearly brandnew and costs 70€ if you buy it new, is a bit low imo, but as I said, the price is triable.
nice response

5 euros more pls
1 gram more!
I actually noticed that any peripheral item which is used for half a year (especially some like a headset which is on sweaty hair and stuff) usually is only worth half the price after that time.
speedlink medusa nx and nothing else!
seit wann hast des? bisher hab ich von eigentlich allen nur problem gehört nach nem halben jahr in etwa, meins ging da auch kaputt
seit nen jahr ungefähr und bis jetzt hatte ich keine probleme :D
das ding is soooo kacke ^^
vielleicht wenn es richtig funktioniert kA
I will buy for 30 €.
I will by for 31 €.
45 € :DDD
gimme for 30 and it's fine
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