dafuk LoL, dafuk

So I've been playing LoL for a few days now. Fun game and all, BUT I KEEP FUCKING DYING, EVEN ON THESE SHIT NOOB SERVERS. WHAT THE FUCK?!

how can you play this game without constantly getting ganked, assraped, gangraped and raped in any other imaginable way?

No I'm not a total idiot when it comes to gaming, I followed a few good guides and know how to build my char. Still whatever I do (running away, attacking, w/e) I KEEP getting raped by 3/4 guys CONSTANTLY and my entire team runs away EVERY TIME.

How the fuck do you play this fucking game? Cba wasting another 40 minutes just watching my char die till the goddamn round is over.

Are you raged DemHerbs? Yes I'm fucking raged!

image: SatanCapitalHill
in every moba out there it is crucial to learn the heroes/champs/... so you know when to be careful.
also it is easier to start as a ranged class rather than melee (so you are less often out of position when trying to get some last hits).
in LoL its quite random tho cause people chill invis in bushes and absolutely everyone has a blink/flash plus the lanes are too short (keep ur eyes glued to the minimap to spot people going miss in the 3 seconds it takes them to commit to a gank).
so you're saying lol requires barely any skill, just the skill to be a teleporting backraping fag sitting in a bush all day?

what game would you advise me?
wow dont put those words in my mouth or you and i are gonna get mad-raped by lol-fags.
id always advise people to try the original first (dota) and then decide what they dont like about it.
there are many reasons why lol is the better game for some players and those exact same things are the reason dota players hate it.
ehehehe I'm just a bit raged from the past 2 matches, I'm not serious about what I'm saying ofc..

Maybe original dota is an idea but it aint free, and I dno if I can be arsed to actually pay money to get my ass whooped in some shit MOBA game :P
no i wouldnt recommend playing dota1 actually.
try to get dota2 on steam (free cause beta and will be f2p after release) or try hon which is like a 70% copy of dota.
if you then decide that the things that make lol different are the stuff you like then go ahead play that or you could even try out BLC which is the most skilled of them all cause it removes all the farming bs from it and is purely about skill shots.
Buy wards ,dont depend on someone calling misses .Focus.
well... if u playing against teemo ur fucked :D

btw.... try not running through their jungle or between ur and theirs if ur alone, even if u are tank..

u will get ganked almost every single time.

they could be doing red/blue/dragon buff and see you with the wards :)

keep ur lane, ward , dont go alone.

and u will never be ganked :D
If you place a ward do you see someone in the bushes? Cuz that's what gets me most of the times
bushes are a new thing in lol, supposed to make area deny and ganking easier.
also the additional summoner spell that absolutely everyone seems to use (flash) is a 2150gold item in dota/hon which only makes it viable for a very limited amount of heroes.
Ah, i see, some real core differences in these games. I'll follow your advise and try some, ty bro.
In Dota we call misses, if somebody doesnt call miss you say bad things to him and about his family (mother)
Real life threats always work well
In LoL when someone says mean things to me cause i didnt say ss i just tell them to take a look at the minimap niggerhomos
what about if u play with fucking homosexs and not a single ward is dropped so u cant see when enemy is about to gank u
look at the minimap and if you dont see enemy at midlane for example play more carefully?
Yes but in Dota u have to deny and lasthit, u need to concentrate much more :P:P
mida sa loodad saavutada ? keegi ei hakka sul siin LoLi asemel DotAt elu sees mängima:D
english pls
yes, taking a look at minimap takes alot of time
dont be mad
I'm not mad.
less mad, more happy pls
I am pretty happy atm. I'm just really hungry and feeling too lazy to cook chicken
yes chicken is good
you are not the only one, you need to be lvl 30 with decent runes and stuff, before the game become really fun to play, for me at the begning i was totaly raped non-stop, most likely they 1 hit me, i also had no idea, but now over 300wins it become fun & easy to play, :D
I think one of the easiest champ to start with is tristana, just play safe, farm, and try to hide behind your teammates to dps all you can :)

she got a jump, an aoe bump and is free if you do that facebook thing :)
but only buy ap items

you will rock

(13:51:52) (hx^Rapt6rr) normaly, me and my cousin had
to go out with some of his mates, but it didnt work out, so we went with my mum
and his mum to thier party...
(13:52:38) (hx^Rapt6rr) the party was ok, very good food, nice
house and blablabla, i thought the ppl were abit stranged but i didnt say anything
(13:53:23) (hx^Rapt6rr) there were many many men, i was like:
ok ok, thier wife is celebrating appart and they just want to be with thier old mates
(13:53:46) (hx^Rapt6rr) but when the middnight bell rang, i saw
the men kisssing eachother :x
(13:53:52) (hx^Rapt6rr) infact, most of them were gays
(13:54:23) (hx^Rapt6rr) then they starting dancing and stuff
Let's say max once per week ok? :D
use master yi, rape everyone
Quotehow can you play this game without constantly getting ganked, assraped, gangraped and raped in any other imaginable way?

Map awareness, try take a look at minimap much as possible.

You will learn by playing when most likely you are getting ganked.
watch streams, copy and profit!
dont bother playing that :p
good tip even if im noob:

you dont have to be in front of the enemies when its dangerous
just try to get the EP for example when youre standing in the bush
now you might ask:"but the enemies become too strong then"
when you die against them youre 30 seconds death and cant do anything..the enemies can do whatever they want
ofc you cant stay in the bush 24/7 but better play defensive than dying
Kill creeps with last hits so you will not push and it will be harder for enemy to gank you

btw. when your team run away, run with them :D (incase you aren't tank)
image: Sight_Wardimage: Vision_Ward

thank me later
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