LoL livestream - sonNy

I will try to livestream League of Legends today a bit, dunno how it will work. Want to make my own stream to shoutcast Crossfire LoL Cup 2 games for you guys, I will test some stuff today and maybe play some games on it if it works fine.


I will start streaming in ~30-60 min

Tell me if quality is satisfing or is something wrong here.
Some informations about stream:
Upload 1mb
Elo: 1600
server: east


e: will try to stream 5on5 rankeds
will take a look
thanks, will let you know when its online, idle #sonny
It's a little bit laggy even though you're only farming creeps, and the UI is constantly flashing out of sight and then back again in the matter of a second. I dunno how it'll work out during teamfights :x
changing setting a bit now to fix it
gud luck
should be online now
With 1mb upload you cant have good quali

ppl tell me i got decent quali with that but i got 100-200 ping, so I will be able to shoutcast games but not to play during streaming :)
Dunno what is decent quali if they say shit about my one :)
watchable one
quali is ok, stream not laggy after all,
i prefer colorblind mode, that green annoys me ...
yea i play on colorblind mode too, im streaming from other pc, i belive during cup i will stream in hd and this 150 ping wont be problem because i wont need to focus on game/lasthting, but for streaming my own games i will still need to work on it, thanks for sharing thought
jenzor :)
server: east

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