TZAC - new cheaters list

I dunno if you´re noticed alrdy..

e: + They add on site "last hot bans"

Latest cheaters
1 hour ago - Cheat/ET-Aimbot
3 hour ago - Cheat/ET-Aimbot
21 hour ago - Cheat/ET-Aimbot

Rumours say that several #Vj members are unbusted cheaters... :O
00077702 strzelamHEDY 28.05.2012. Permanent Cheat/etBot

pretty sure its zodiac..
Ok fuck this bye life etc im finally busted :'(
checked the 3 guids, only 2 entries on YAE, 2 polaks.
guids over 80k busted? WHAT A FUCKING SURPRISE
never heard of them
tzac is kinda useless, it should bust people we know that are quite suspicious, we don't care about randoms
So u would allow randoms to cheat... and bust known, gr8 logic Sir! And how chaplja would implement such a thing into TZAC? jesus its just impossible to be dumb that much 8D
wow polak speaking about stupidness, I'm just sayin' that right apart from mongols that used known cheats which were detectable by the past tzac isn't doin anything, and like pb small lags are startin' to be lived. Meaning it s nothing but a shit AC. And don't tell you're dumb enough to think that current known players aren't cheating...
Where did i say that im 100% sure known players are not cheating? Get fucking glasses on your nose. And saying that do u think theres some underground undetected priv cheat for shrinking ET community? Do u rly think that any coder would mess with it to get ~10 cheat customers? What new cheats TZAC can detect if theres not a single new cheat - gimme example coz my google is not working properly if so :XD

And still if TZAC busts cheaters its only evidence its working as it is suppoused to do. What do u expect from AC? To let people cheat? Frenchie go and give up!
it's just impossible to be dumb that much
Ummm... that's quite stupid...
Busting people just because they are suspicios and letting random cheaters play...
you didn't get my point like that retarded poltard above, i didn't mean to not bust randoms, just that we don't rly care about em as we know they ll always cheat no matter what with smurff acc and stuff. We need Ac meant to bust not only randoms but current known suspicious players.
So why didnt u write just like that? Are u mentally disabled or what? 8D
I write what I want I don't give a shit about if got it or not, just gtfo already if u misunderstood it
Welcome to elementary school!
stay in your third world shit nation and keep it quiet, u're being loud for nothing,
Oh u lack of arguments? Sir, u r dumb 8D
Where are you arguing ? You're being loud for nothing as I said, don't act cool or what ever cause you're simply failing, you just managed to make me upset by replying with useless comments.

You really should get a brain which unfortunatly I am afraid won't be possible for you.

If you could only be a good player, sadly you're nothing
Thats what he is working on right?

You can expect that it would catch every cheater there is. Also you are not even sure who cheats and who is clean.

So you can always say it does not bust people that are good since you dont know for sure.

Just be happy that its making a big step atm
Well yea, I got it. But still...
Since I'm inactive I don't really follow the community that much and I don't know who is a suspicious player but maybe that suspicious player is just clean. Ofcourse I might be (most likely I am) wrong but I think if TZAC doesn't ban suspicious players it doesn't necessary mean TZAC is not working.
But as I said I'm inactive so you probably know better then me. I just think TZAC is working. Maybe it's not the 100% reliable AC but I think it's quite reliable :)
not saying it's not working, but this is not a huge step in ET anticheat systems the now, and it's not a big deal to see random being banned like those ban waves we just saw, it may prove its efficiency at a "not so high level" tho
Well... we can argue, discuss, battle about it but that's all we can do I guess :D
The ones who know the truth are those suspicious players.
these busts are from people who used public hacks everyone can find
they get insta bans with the new tzac
It's pixel, pixy. He just hacked a TZAC account for the 9th time already :-)
So, what to do now? lol
app i hacked Lol, yea my tzac got hacked few weeks agow, didn't really noticed ;// Check IP etc plzz :)
:D It was hacked by Pixel
esl admins so noob, im banned there for no reason.
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