New Phone 4 me

My Samsung Galaxy S3 arrived, YAY!

My Samsung Galaxy S3 needs a microsim, boo :(

FYI - Phone history for discussion:

Sony K800 -> iPhone 1,2,3,4 -> Blackberry Torch -> Sony K800 -> Samsung
dude... why did you buy the most ugly phone ever?
just cut your sim to microsim card size :P
dunno I still think iPhone is better for showoff or you prolly bought it because its just better than iphone. And agree with Akse, S3 is ugly
put the history there, had the iPhone but it just fails at making phone calls!
i just can't stand all the arrogance, elitist, dismissive, condescending attitude and ponciness "oh im a hipster living in an ex-council block, I buy cheap cider but love my iPhone 4" shit that goes on even though its a decent phone
Thats the point, it's all psychology.
Most of the people buy iphone because they want to join a club, they feel themself somehow special. I dont hate them I just try to understand them, and I can.
It's like wearing a prada shoe, you can buy that and people look at it and you are proud and feel comfortable and special. And for haters it's hard to ignore. It's like some kind of "troll" attitude.
i cant understand. my phone is twice as powerful, has a huge screen. im fucking HUUUGE!
typical nerd bullshit
htc one s

iPhone 5 has been leaked btw
someone else is going mad because he didn't have his blue S3 yet :D
got myself a xperia s today :)

go to a phone shop to small ur sim. they did mine for free
Played with the S3 on Tuesday at work, possibly the most over-rated and over-hyped phone to be released. It brings nothing new to the table, and I just kept going back to the HTC One X. It looks plastic, feels plastic, infact, it is plastic.....
had a s2, bought s3, had to cut the sim, failed... bought new sim @ the store , 5 euro
cut the plastic off around a normal sim and you have yourself a microsim
samsung galaxy note all the way
awesome phone, i'd go for the e72 tho
hate qwerty phones, when i borrow samsung chat from my sister and when i try to write a sms i usually hit 3 buttons at once :D maybe I would get accustom to it but for now e52 fits my needs perfectly
glad u got android, i think u ll like it.especially because OS is kinda open and freeeee. dont think iOS can match with it,eventho it looks so nice.

although I'd get S2 over S3 now, think it has everything needed even for a 2012 phone but cheaper. gl with it tho! time to watch some huk streams on it!

p.s. u didnt add me at sc!!
Lul, i just got Samsung galaxy S+ two weeks ago, but it still amazes me to thats enough for me!
+1 because i OWN IT. but android 4 sux for me
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