Klaypex dafuq

What do you think?
sounds like skrillex.
even the video reminds to equinox (First of the Year) from Skrillex. Klaypex shouldn't have swapped the genre, his electro stuff was better imo.

there is a lot of money to be made by jumping onto the "dubstep" train.
or rather the shit it has become
Has become? When has it ever been good?
did quite like it back then the "dub" is dubstep meant something.
The only dubstep (or whatever it was) that I liked was the background music of the Weebl & Bob cartoons.
This is proper dubstep: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IlEkvbRmfrA

and I consider it not bad.
Well honestly the "dubstep train" won't make you rich. It s a growing scene but you will never pay as much as you have to pay for an electro/house act like the overrated david guetta for example. There is no relation in pricing
cause thats incredibly mainstream already.
lets see where things are going
Well true, i mean even britney spears using dubstep elements already, but i m not sure if it has the potential to get mainstream music.
no radio material i guess but so many wnb hipsters digg it, that gotta generate some kind of cashflow
I wouldn't count myself to one of those hipster even though i have to admit i liked the old way of dubstep (Skream, Benga, Rusko) but i also like the new hyped stuff.
But indeed the community is growing, i don't care if they are hipster or not, i like the music, i like to dj this sort of music so its fine to get more people into this music.
He has better tracks which are clip worthy ://
This is some bad dubstep
skrillex clone
bit boring, doesnt really sound like Skrillex to me tho.
makes me want to slap those kids
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