Working out acne?

So I just noticed today that I have a lot of acne on my back and shoulders. I remember it being really less when I first started working out but it's a lot more now. Any of you guys who workout have the same problem?
QuoteDermatologists normally view back acne as the same disease as facial acne since it develops in a similar manner and expresses itself in similar lesions. However, pores on the back are larger and produce more oil than those on the face. These larger pores can produce more severe lesions such as nodules and cysts more frequently.
But to answer you question
QuoteAny of you guys who workout have the same problem?
You are just young and it will disappear by time.
And I guess you are not using any steroid or something cause you would know the answer then.
well my brother had a lot of acne in his back when he was around 25 but it's because he was smoking and drink a lot but i doubt ipod is doing that
my brothers 23 non drinker, non smoker and still loads of acne in his back
mornin pod, i just still suffer from the - i say hormone-inducted - ugly face. i thought it'll leave after i was out of puberty, guess im not.

on the other hand, nevr had it on the back...but still im sure...its the hormones
hahaha :D
u think its cause of the age factor?
I don't know, I just the feeling it's from working out ..
Also, high dose of protein can cause it afaik.
That might be it.
products may have something to do with it but that's not the only thing.
When you work out, you produce testosterone (and other chemical reactions) which, in some cases, can lead to acne increase.
I had the same, you can't do anything about it, except taking some products but still... your body is adapting and changing. give it some time. (count a few months tho)
maybe its sweat stopping pores from breathing
not sure still. it got a bit less anyoing the last years. but im in my REALLY late twenties and it still bothers me. no weightlifting and stuff...
wow that sux hard
its not like my face is blabbered with that stuff, i just thought it would be less than that at my age#
Got it too, just keep it clean :)
QuoteAny of you guys who workout have the same problem?


sucks to be you, zitback!
Its just normal.
It will go away.
Buy this and wash your face, the spots where the acne is with it.
image: Clearasil1

I have it to, I have it because I sleep bad.
sucks to be you, zitface!
feel your pain bro. hope you dont use body wash
pm bange for interesting stories

Dno how severe it is but i had some acne and i used antibiotics, was gone in a few weeks (then i became a man and started shaving, and they came back a bit :()

But ye, antibiotics cleared it up in around 6 weeks. Wash your face daily with a bar of soap (clean the pores, gets rid of the oil;s acne lives off, and stops face from going dry/dead skin - i used imperial leather bar and still do to this day - use it in the shower after ive washed with shower gel)

After you have washed ur face/showered, dry your self then dip your face into cold / ice water for 30secs (in 5 secs intervals) - making sure the water level goes up to your ears

You should see an improvement after about a week, few weeks down the line you will be looking sexy as fuck and be fucking lots of pussy an still have time for ET. This was really successful for facial acne anyway for me, but same principle should work for back/shoulders

Dont buy stupid money grabbing prouducts like clearasil, Tea Tree etc, they dont work. If your doctor doesn't prescribe you antibiotics, I seriously recommend this product:

The reviews are amazing, and i had a mate who tried it, and was clear of acne completely after 3 weeks. If my spots come back im gona buy it.

Good luck, hope this helped you and other acne victims (olbaa)!

P.S - As much fun it is to pop/pick spots, try not to touch it at all! after a week of re framing your self from touching, you will also notice major improvements
made my night mate XDDDDDDDDDDDDD
thanks tho! and i no wat u mean by its fun to pick the spots XD
hahaha :P wrote a fuck off essay, wasnt even that fucked!

ye its so much fun to pick them :(

np! <3
I myself take antibiotics everyday.If I stop them I have acne, else it's fine. The name is : doxycycline. The thing with cold water also works + it reduces wrinkles
ye doxycy... are the ones i used, once the acne is cleared, you need to keep using them for some weeks or it comes back
I have to take 1 everyday or it's come back :(
try to fap less brah ;)
Why fap when you can have sex? :(
acne's are mostly side effect when people overfap :P
nope im acne free everywhere :p
I dont have, but use some stuff to heal it so it should go away!
Maybe stop taking Steroids / muscle pills?
sun works well on acne - get like 10 mins 3-4 times a day in the sun (IE tanning like a girl xD) clears things up.

ofc washing your back properly reduces the chances too
merl tanning like a babe :dd

sup at the lan? wish i was there tbh :)
going nice, bit of stress early on in the day but its usual I guess :) hopefully get some more sleep tonight but I doubt it.
hehe :)

i told goku to say hi to you from me but he said you were already gone (yesterday night) :p
slap potty for me on the cam :D
the way you get acne will be the same but the fact that it's getting worse could be because it is stress-induced. A lot of studies have shown there is a neurological base for the exacerbation of acnes.

In other words, stress could make your zits bigger...

do u have stress?
cant send pm's

dunno I spectated one match of enlanced but you were all the way to the right, so i was like fuck it lets talk to him later but later brandon wanted to introduce me but you left or something :/
try this:
Vitamin b5
Frietjes van de MAC, schijnen ook te helpen.
De frietjes werken in mindere mate maar de bitterballen van de mac die werken super! Is wel vervelend schoonmaken nadat je je rug hebt ingesmeerd, maar het is de moeite waard!
ipod the sun is the best thing.
who care, dont see your back anyway:p

edit: how can i get a silver back like a gorilla
maybe its some kind of allergic reaction to certain supplements you are using ;)
Haha inderdaad die gozer gebruikt gewoon, vandaar dat hij die puisten krijgt. Wij zijn pure nature.
haha :P maar hoeft niet zozeer anabolen. kan ook dat die allergisch is voor bepaalde merk eiwitten ofzo snapje :P
maarh ij gebruikt sowieso hij is 18 op cf profile.
1 heeft betere genen dan de ander. :P
en misschien is die al met zn 15e/16e begonnen.
Misschien wel, misschien ook niet.
Caused by steroids, so not going to help here
well I know some people who are 'allergic' for whey protein thus getting acne (or atleast alot of pustules). something which also might be the cause of your sudden acne is the amount of dairy(?) you eat/drink. maybe replace the milk and eggs and cheese in your diet(if you have one) with other products.
too much vitamin b12 can be the problem... had the same because of protein shakes.
sun and zink are cheap and good for ur skin.
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