So just purchased my copy, any recommendations for some neat tricks, builds, classes? Just to get me going in the right direction?

better try to get your money back
first class?
yah this kinda thing, tried the hunter thing in the open beta but didnt enjoy it v much
press left click a lot
I don't think there's a best class, D3 is really based on stuff/build in my opinion.

Just choose the most appropriate class for your gamestyle and go !

Have fun :)
don't take a monk, they are useless in inferno.
hahaha what?

1 champ at act 3 kills me with 1 hit and a monk tanks the whole mob...
i think monk is op atm

demon hunter > sorc
monk > barb
witch doc dunno
Just like d2, you need a sorc to gather gear, so make a wiz.
DH or Wiz
Play hardcore after beating normal.
There is no point in softcore.
after becoming level 10*
Then most players die versus Belial...
I died there with my first HC char because my team instantly died to his big form...
I would have beaten him now... I've learned that his arms hit more than just the circle. ;D
dont play sorc, dont play with mf gear until lvl 60
play with a group thats all ;)
Diarblo is fun.
barb is Kind of strong. the whole game need a update cause the blacksmith creat shit items it would be better if he would creat stuff for the char, that some who is playing a sorc will get stuff with int and Not with str or so that's realy annoying to use Materials and a lot of money and gettinng useless stuff
Either dh or wiz to solo.
Which between those two would you say is more fun?
I can't say which one because so far I completed the game with dh and now I'm leveling every class.
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