Intense LoL gayming

Sup CF?

Since I'm feeling bad and I'm sick I had to stay entire day at home so I tried to increase my elo a bit, went for few duo que rankeds with PolandkOOza and we managed to win 5 of 6 ranked games which brings me to stuning 1666 elo! After that rest of our team, PolandAbove Averagez came online so we just finished our 1st ranked today which was holy crap so freaking intense! Both teams were baiting baron for like 20-30 minutes and when we found a litle chance of doing it we got caught so much and lost inhib and 1st baron of that :< But somehow with just waiting for enemy to come and geting free farm we managed to wait till inhib spawns back and defend our base one more time, we won teamfight changing our tactics, instead focusing enemy ad carry with a lot of escape abilities we went to defend ours - PolandgrzyB pwned shit out of them! This allowed us to make big push and take 3 turrets on mid - amazing comeback isn't it? After that we farmed a bit to get last items and finished game with last fight, when me, as wukong caught entire enemy team with my ultimate which allowed us to give enemy finishing blow and win a game after over 50 mintues on the clock.

Sadly I can't run a stream on this PC. :(

Stats screenshot:

LoL Recorder Replay

let the #nerdparty continue! you ready for CCLC #2 and CGS? :>

too much Poland
be happy that it's only 3!
hi PolandsonNymate
hi FinlandMarvolomate
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