AEM: ETTV is recording!

The final will be available immediately after the final. We're streaming this in order to further the exposure of ET as a whole. This means more sponsor attention and more event opportunities!

If you're lagging on Twitch TV, check Saken's post!

Thanks <3
you probably the biggest retard ever
Well, enjoy with your sponsor and opportunities then.

I have alot to do and actually took 1 hour off to watch this epic final, but after see this + you deleting journals and comments non stop... well No thanks.
BIG LOL, seanza (=
QuoteDon't watch the stream, ettvod will be available later, just do something else for an hour or two, watch a movie or something. If you leave stream, they won't ever do this kind of ettv restriction again.

Clown <3
You don't get any sponsor attention by putting those guys infront of the cam and giving out an insane lagging stream!
thanks for fucking up the final
you truly are a moron. not only do you restrict ettv for maybe one or two more sponsors in the future but you're also deleting every journal from the people who're critising you
this thing with the deleting isnt the right way, is it?
right decision imo, when seanza can get 1 or 2 more sponsors, so he can maybe organize another ET lan in the future :)

im fine with the stream, and if i want to spec more players, i can watch the replay on gamestv
What sponsor is gonna tune in to a LAN on a sunday evening?
Chances are lottery-like.
true dat, but better than nothing for a "dead game"
thx for ruining this btw
Wow really fuck off.
watching 720p stream without any lags like a boss ;-)
poland ftw :)
polish and german internet got the same quality?

can't be :D
whining fucks. you can watch it tomorrow to. jesus
The only thing that matters is "..and the Grand Final of Adroits Enemy Territory Masters had over xxx viewers." The content isn't the priority here.

e: stream died :D
Just get the fucktards in front of the camera away and get a shoutcaster / decent host for this show .. : /
its amazing how many people take everything for granted here. you should be thankfull that seanza is even organising such an event for the whole community. its all up to him how he wants the final of the lan broadcasted then. if you guys want any further event to happen you should be happy he puts it on the stream only for now but all these comments show exactly whats wrong with et these days...
I can be thankful that an event was run and pissed off that I can't see the final because they only offer a stream.
ye but most of the people here seem unable to have that complex thoughts :)
i wouldnt mind if the stream would work well ( watched cic finals on stream when it was working). the problem is that the pic is freezing whilst sound goes on / sound went of for a while / stream went off for a while. shoutcast was ok in the end but only as audio not as stream in general.
Biggest LAN fail ever. Sell out, disappointed.
Jesus Christ, are you guys serious?

The situation might not be optimal but do you really have to rip on the guy this much?
Laggy stream , too much background noice , cant hear a thing :/.
Bigger joke than that Indian LAN
I don't really care about the ettv, but i just watched the stream for 3mins and saw this.
- Starting the game without a shoutcaster his mic working and no sound
- Background noise.

Doesn't help to attract more sponsors.

in fucking deed
where is analconda
i think kamz will lose his award now for most hated person :<

e: the actual best way to promote the game is actually transmiting it, no boicoting it to the true lovers
promoting ET


i like your involvement in the game but i doubt it will help the game or "boost the activity"
So yeah trying to get further exposure for ET and fuckin all community in da butt with shit ass stream. GOOD JOB
Self quote from GTV: 'Here's an idea: if you want viewers for stream, just ask us to keep the stream in background, muted, while we can enjoy the match on ETTV instead of forcing us to watch that crappy freezing quality with tons of background noise. How about fucking that?'

You just fucked up big time.
Fuck all them haters Sean, you're doing a great job. ^ all virgins
Ironi^cc: jij bent toch ook nog maagd? :D
Yes virgin much
QuoteWe're streaming this in order to further the exposure of ET as a whole. This means more sponsor attention and more event opportunities!

1. you shouldve made the stream a lot more organized. it's the messiest stream I've ever seen.

2. then why didnt you get rid of ettv and broadcast stream from the first? there was an ettv until grand final and then, all of a sudden, "no ettv guyz watch stream owzo will shoutcast like a boss"
If you do a bit if thinking you should be able to figure out that during the rest of the tournament there was more than one game happening at the same time. therefore ETTV gave people the choice to watch whatever match they wanted to see. Another issue you shouldn't forget is the availability of a shoutcaster. As owzo was playing in the tournament himself he wasn't available to cast most of these earlier games and I can imagine if he didn't want to cast games while his team was waiting for their next game because he would be tired as hell prior to playing his own games.

I do agree they should have tried to make sure it was working properly before the final, but obviously the stream PC dieing out on them right when the final starts is something they can't foresee.

I'm watching the stream right now and it's working solidly and I think Seanza is right when he thinks a large viewernumber on can be a helpful thing in promoting ET to any possible future sponsors/supporters.
i do understand their point. stream viewer matters indeed. but, what I'm talking about is not some technical issues. when ive heard that there will be no ettv, what i thought is 'no ettvod then?', and then i started to watch the stream. actually i tried to watch it a few times(when anim was playing). but the atmosphere of stream was just too messy. even now, I can hear a woman laughing so hard and it bothers me.
i get why you tried it seanza mate, but the set up was thrown together tbh. having multiple randoms sitting on the live stream talking shit and typing crap not even related to the final just pissed people off.

you put a huge ammount of effort into this lan, and people need to recognise that, and you trying to raise ET's name in other scenes for sponsorship is brilliant, but you know what this "community" is like, theyll not remmber that, theyll just remember the stream going tits up :(

Keep up the great work fella, you rock.
Seanza - ESL did this for CS and got away with it, but thats because ESL have a huge TV shoot behind it. This isnt ESL. I get your idea, but this was the wrong way to do it. Stream viewers only matter if you're directly advertising a sponsor which you're not, until then you're just building numbers for a presentation meaning the bigger the number of 'viewers' (technology irrelevant) is the key selling point versus the huge uproar. Everyone understands the logic but the flame dampened the end the result.
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