just my 2 Cents

Im still on my way home from this really cool LAN and all I can see on crossfire and on the adroitsstream is flaming, whining, spamming and COMPLAING.

I mean don't you feel kinda ashamed guys? the admincrew is trying their best to run this LAN and all u can do is insulting them for this? seanza and all of the other guys made this event possible and just because he TRIED to get even more attention by the sponsors to cover the costs for upcoming lanevents, some people are calling him even 'killer of ET ' or 'new most hated guy of Cf' ? I mean are u retarded or something ? they aren't evil people who want to spend houndreds of hours into this project just to ruin it in the finals so everyone gets mad. Im not sure if it was a mistake to block ettv, but I still think that seanza and the whole admincrew deserves my respect and the respect of the community for their work. this guys made everything possible and it's just not fair to treat them like this...

some people here should really ask themselves if they acted the right way. without people like seanza, ET would be dead for loooooong time and it is really a shit feeling if u get insulted after u invested so much time in something just with the intention to HELP the community.

thanks seanza + admincrew. I really enjoyed this LAN!
Seanza is thick-skinned and a lot of whine won't bother him. I'm not trying to justify it but if you're involved in 'eSports' then you need to ignore a lot of what is said.

The decision to exclusively show the final via stream is a bad one imo, but I guess he had his reasons.
QuoteSeanza is thick-skinned

Yes, he definately is. Literally.
reason ? Ross strip :D
no chicks?
Nice lan Seanza and merlin, good work!
Good job, actually liked the lan.

Ppl can't deal with the 5 mins they missed of the final :xpP
Dont feel ashamed at all, what they did is/was wrong, forcing people to watch a stream with loud background and laggy(for me atleast)
Lucky for us the stream died and we got ETTV :)
You're right. Reactions were immature and uncalled for.

However, I feel the overall coverage was mediocre and the initial decision to suddenly (to the public at least) disable ETTV was ill-advised. Additionally, having to watch grainy footage of Goku and his jolly band of random drunk fellows being looney half of the time doesn't really help in creating a professional and appealing image for sponsors either, I'd say. My two cents :)
interesting - can you link me to an event that had good coverage?

what AEM had:

-Pictures of all teams in the group stage
-Pictures of some teams in the playoffs
-Pictures of some teams after they had finished
-Live stream interviewing multiple skilled players and characters from mAus and XyLoS to goku and mental
-Featured 8+ different public shoutcasters during the event
-Prelan rundown of all the teams
-News posts of each stage for each group and playoffs

over 25,000 hits on crossfire posts alone.

I guess you missed most of this if you think it was mediocre, because most peoples responses are that it has been the best of all the events run for ET and this is mainly due to the events that have come before, we learn from them and try to improve which we think we did in certain areas for coverage. This will continue to be done and will be done no doubt for the next event in hopefully not too long amount of time.
You make a strong case!

It was certainly not my intention to rip on you guys. I haven't followed the tournament that closely this time, so I think you're right in saying that most of it slipped past me. Thanks for proving me wrong.

I was mostly referring to the stream however, where every time I opened it, I saw a bunch of guys making silly jokes and being loud and drunk. That may be because I tuned in at the wrong times, but it didn't really add anything for me regardless. I understand that relatively small LANs like this are mostly about having fun at the event itself though, so I'm not blaming anyone for being drunk or giddy, but I turned it off rather quickly.

You certainly have a good point when you bring up past ET events, since I feel the coverage is generally lacking. I think I mainly perceived it like that since I've been watching so many other e-sports events with much larger purses recently. Top notch Starcraft 2 tournament coverage has spoiled me!

I really do appreciate the effort that goes into organizing and covering ET events like this, so if you were involved in this one (which I believe you are?), thanks. This was the first ET LAN I didn't untiringly watched so far and I'll be sure to check out the next one more attentively ;)

Good night.
no worries, games like Sc2 are lucky because they will sell contracts for the big events or have actual coverage teams of 10+ guys with pure job of having to do specific things like interviews, game streams and such.

SAGE had kaos due to CoD4 being a bigger game - its hard if you dont have anyone dedicated to casting etc. which is hard if there arent sponsors etc ^^ vicious circle.
I think that you saying the coverage was mediocre is pretty harsh since it was literally the best coverage for any ET event in recent years. All credit to Merlin who handled the coverage entirely on his own, with very little input from me.

As for "suddenly" disabling ET, it wasn't all so sudden. I have been mentioning it previously, and have answered questions in journals/forum posts/news posts/other to "will there be ETTV?" or "will there be vods?" and I've been very honest about wanting to only put games on ETTV if they are not being streamed. Contrary to what you may think, I took the flame as feedback rather than insults. It showed people are more passionate about this game than they usually show, the passion is what convinced me to just switch on the ETTV, not the fact that the stream died (lol @ that btw, karma paid me back!!).

Like Baggiez said, I'm thick-skinned and I can take criticism really well, even when people don't think before thei speak and just flame.

I'm just happy to see that people care enough to cause such an outburst. Oddly enough, it puts a warm smile on my face!

Hopefully you follow the next event closely and that you will be more satisfied with the coverage, too. I'm open to ideas and suggestions with coverage, and I can feed them back to MerlinatoR. There will always be room for improvement.

Thanks for your semi-constructive post!
As you can you see in my reply to Merlinator, I see my criticism was off the mark.

Good job with the tournament, looking forward to the next one ;)
Yea I feel kinda bad for brandon tho he couldnt see anything
it doesnt help the viewers if they have to watch a shitty stream

he probably meant it in a good way, that doesnt help any1 though
people will speak out if they dont agree on something, you can lable it whine, flaming etc, but its not all that
i think tosspot ran his lans ten times better
Yeah but you can't expect them to compete with a Crossfire LAN
if the stream wasn't so awkward to watch it could have been okay. i opened it 2 times during the event, watched less than 5 minutes in total. i really don't care about inside jokes of some random drunk ET players i haven't even heard of.
the lan itself was good but too much one-sided match :s
thanks to everyone involved :-)
stfu homo
make seanza sing numa numa song on stream, insta +2k viewer
I don't think I'm the only one in that I prefer written material/interviews/newsposts/columns over radios/streams/videos. Have to say I haven't really followed this event as much as I followed past ones but like ENSAM said I turned on the stream twice to witness a quite painful-to-watch 'shoutcasting' :( I'm pretty sure it's got something to do with ad revenue or whatever so of course there's reasons for it.

I'm not gonna deny you guys did a great job and I'm sure there's more to come regarding pictures etc. But I was a bit let down that there wasn't a really good newswriter a la Germany chosen / Netherlands Sainted @ CC6 who spent a lot of their time at LAN writing top quality news/columns/interviews. Anyway beggars can't be choosers! :D
My two cents:

The LAN was great.
The coverage was good, missing some videointerviews but I blame SimonKinsler on that for not getting his cam back to work (joking bro!)

If you complain about people just apearing on the stream:
You had the choice between a black screen with the adroits logo on it and the video cam with everyone around.

If I would have been at home, following the event, I would love to see everyone on cam (there literally was [almost] everyone on cam once)
Whoever was there was interacting with the viewers and stuff. If you didnt like it you could just have left the stream until the next match went live.

And for everyone hating towards mental:
At least he was willing to dedicate his time to sit down and cast some matches, again you had the choice between that and the black wallpaper.
His casting wasnt that bad (and increasing during the day.)
Dont hate on people who dedicate their time to contribute and help the community and scene like Sean, Merlinator and also people like Mental and Goku.

If you could do everything sooooo much better, why dont you stand up and do it? There are enough chances to contribute.
Just because ppl whine doesn't mean they are not greatfull. Atleast regarding my actions, i am totally against seanza's behavior in the lan final, but i don't have any personal problem against him (actually it's kinda the opposite, he has always been great), and i am greatfull for what he did for us, once again!
I don't think anyone has anything against the LAN itself or the people who ran it. However, I fee like EVERYONE, including myself, hated the stream (not ETTV) coverage which in my opinion was just bad most of the time (didn't watch the final, can't comment on that)

I opened the stream twice and closed it in under 3 mins... and I'm usually one of the guys that supports those streams by simply leaving them open even if I don't watch the games.
first of all, good job merl & seanza for the hard work :)

the stream was quite ejoyable with saturday potty doing lots of fun stuff which kept me amused, also its nice to see the gr8 atmosphere (like that chef guy with mind etc is just hilarious)

the only "bad" thing i could come up with is that maybe you should have had a decent shoutcaster for the entire lan event instead of ppl doing it randomly after each other when they had the chance. Also a different mic for the shoutcasts aswell. And yeah the stream was kinad laggy but i guess that was quite impossible to fix

i was actually in favour of no ettv & just stream only, to get more attention on the twitch site in general to gain new watchers to possible interest in et. But too bad the stream quality wasn't like the one of malmen during bfb, otherwise i don't think a lot of ppl would have whined about not having ettv :)
i agree, give them a fucking break. seanza and that whole crew are actually trying to keep this game alive and everybody is just complaining and bitching lol.

good job guys :)
Lan was great. the stream was awesome, super funny. I was able to speak with some of my idols and i knew new people.

Koop was great. Thank you very much.
Fix the mic and get a real shoutcaster to do it and stream is great.
gj on organising the LAN!
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