AEM LAN experience

Hey image: 01,
just got home from LAN, got something to eat and relaxed some hours while watching Adroits.TV. Now I got a bit bored and thought I could write my first real Journal. First of all I wanna apologize for my english - it's not thaaaaaaat good ;)

At friday I just finished my week @ University and drove directly after it to Netherlands Enschede. After 2 or 3 hrs I arrived in Netherlands where I had to search our house which took another 40 mins or so :D There I met 4/5 of my Team Germany Mysterious-Monkeys with Germany ramoz, Germany zentic, Germany znArk and Germany genShi. There we had to wait a couple of hours until we drove to Germany Lost Soldiers' House where we had a really nice evening with bbq, beer and so on.

At Saturday we had to get up quiet early bcuz Germany sTOWNAGE had his Setup at 9CET and he slept at our place. That's the reason why we had to spend 6 or 7 hours at the LAN-Centre, where we met Germany Phazor, till we had our first Match. Meanwhile we had some portions of the Breakfast Deal, watched some nice matches like Europe WinFakt! vd Europe NBS and had some beers with our Management guys Germany BonK and Germany maxs.

At 17CET we finally could setup. 45 mins we had our first Match vs Europe ZeroE with the german McD-King Germany mental (yeah, I like u, too, man <3 :D) besides Netherlands Testi and theri czech mates. At the first attack on Adlernest we did pretty well - what they did not expect - with a time of 3:28. But in the end we fucked the map up by 21 seconds caused by the euphoric of the fast time. Then we thought about trying to pwn them on our homemap radar (just with our real team) but they did a good time which we couldn't beat. So the first Match was a unlucky - from our pov - 4-0 for Europe ZeroE.

After that Match we had to play against Europe NBS 2.0 with Belgium Goku with his fluffy hair (:D) and co. What should I say about that Match.. it wasn't that hard to beat them since they were just a Funteam (like I know). We set a 3 min time on radar, which they could not beat and fullheld them on supply, although they got the truck through till the Depot Fence. 4-0 here for Germany us.

Now we had to play vs the finnish powerhouse Finland Finlantic6, which was clearly the top favourite for our Group. They have set a 2 min time on frostbite which we couldn't beat (but hey, I've got my 4 man kill for da fm :D - hell yeah). And then they fullheld us on gr. Easy 4-0 for Finland Finalntic6 here.

Since Germany Lost Soldiers and we both placed 3rd in our Groups, we had to play against each other for the 8th place in the Playoffs. But they had to play till 2 o'clock in the morning. So we decided to play it the next morning at 9:30CET and went home were we drank some beer with our Management. The next morning there were some organizationally problems, so that we had to wait a couple of hours to play that Match but np for us. Just as usual speccing Matches like Finland Finlantic6 vs Germany PDEG and playing Fifa12 with Germany caTcher and Germany ramoz at the couches near the bar.

When we finally could start the Match vs Germany Lost Soldiers, Germany genShi got some big problems with the setting (as in the matches before). 1st map was Adlernest which they fullheld (Switzerland olGaa Matchsaver :D) and attacked with a time of 2:25. The 2nd map was Supply (picked by us bcuz znArk didnt want to play radar anymore) which they attacked with a time of 9:25 that we couldn't beat. So 4-0 for Germany Lost Soldiers.

After that we congratulated Germany LS for their win and left the LAN bcuz Germany genShi had to drive ~8hrs or so.

Place 9!

for all the guys who wanna write tl;dr:
to cut the long story short, it was a really nice weekend with nice guys, nice matches, some alcohol, some unlucky matches, some lanproofs (znArk ;p) and so on.
Good Event. Nicely done by the Admins even if there was a lot delays

Thanks and Shoutout goes to:
Germany ramoz
Germany genShi
Germany zentic
Germany Phazor
Germany znArk
Germany BonK
Germany maxs
image: 7321165194_0035442b9f

Lost Soldiers]
Germany EClaNgo
Germany rAKJI
Germany Scatman
Germany caTcher
Switzerland olGaa
Italy vjto
image: 7328014472_b9362d926d

Germany Playmate, Germany Aggro, Germany sTOWNAGE, Germany Rayzed, Germany mental, Germany kReSti, Germany gr0ss, Germany eujen & the rest of Germany PDEG, Belgium Goku, Netherlands Testi & the rest of Europe ZeroE, Finland Finlantic6, Netherlands L4mpje, Netherlands Abort, Switzerland gifty, the Admin-crew and all I forgot to mention, for this nice weekend + experience :)
Nice writeup
good for u and ggs
good for u
TLDR. But judging by the number of flags it seems like you made quite the effort to talk to the United Kingdom lads.

we won the war!

image: Hitler

hahaha made my day :D thank u.
were they huge girls ?
seems like a cool story

must say those are the most perfect set of tits ive seen in my life....other than my own.
you havent seen many, do you?
not at all man, im boob deprived
good read
Lango sexiest man!!!!!!
bin so "dünn" geworden aber die stirn bleibt mir treu :DDD <3
insgeheim suchst du nur sponsoren :p - gibs zu! :D
image: Hier%2520k%25C3%25B6nnte%2520ihre%2520Werbung%2520stehen

aber ich hab ja auch ne hohe stirn :D :( <3
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