Have a spamfree weekend!

Loekino got own3d by his parents. So.. have yourself a nice, loekino-spamfree weekend :P

oke here is the story

this week with school,, no problems
1 day the where like stop and go to bed now only 8 min left on the clock sd2

mom sayd ill wait here and then u give keyb+mouse. dad cames up just closed my fking pc><
next day finaly after sandman 2hr reboot he just came up and just closed pc ffs ><

last school day 1hr school, gym so dont care
didnt go to school mom say nothing,, dad came up taked my pc and taked it to work so his work is 50 m from school so mayb i can get it monday

that means mayb NO PC IN 2DAYS ARGH
im so bored but this is story dunno when i can get my pc back

no comments from jmz+undy : you will be thankfull -.-'

cu when i got my pc back wont take long imo :*
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