need some LoL help...

Hey guys

If been recently nerding hard an LoL and somehow my team always looses the same way...

So the whole game we are more or less pretty superior with more kills and then in late game we don't do very much and die. They also always push the lanes and we end up loosing towers because they are always mid and pushing and the only way we can help them is come mid...

If we kill the enemy team we most times wait for the creeps to come, wich leads to us not killing very many towers. Till when does one push lanes? Because if i go on a lane i get killed :S

image: j5rHz

Tell me why do we loose:S and how to get better?
ba dum ts
dont lane in late game, start roaming together
Well, after 15-20 mins (when farm time is over) you want to take tower down to help other lanes. Just farm up all you can until 20 mins, then start regrouping for team fights.
okay and should we not kill towers before 20 min?
when you can, you should kill tower only on your lane for example if you forced recall from your lane matchup, but don't do it early because you will start to overextend and get killed a lot
okay:) at what time?
you can kill the towers everytime, but in the begin fase of the game is it not easy :-) Just buy the sunfirecap and kill many minions.
not about time, it's about hmm intuition ;p you need experiece to feel when you can and when you can't. but i guess on 30lvl its 10-20 minute, for example when enemy team go for dragon you can push top turret etc. if everyone are on their lanes focus more on lasthiting which is so underrated on low levels, people only try to get kills, but farm wins the games ;p
okay:P ill try more lasthitting...

what are some good champions to play? i played corki akali amumu and rammus and twisted till now... atleast those are the only ones im pretty okay with
well i would sugest you to try as many champions as you can during free weeks and chose few, like 5 that fits your gamestyle most and focus on playing them because its not about champion, its about player (not including most broken champion ever - darius).

my preferals are wukong yorick nidale irelia lee sin vladimir and fizz ;p
why is darius broken? he is just fucking op :S
Those are synonyms.
i also didnt know what broken meant thats why i asked...
Just test some champs and if u like a champ try different builds vs different oponents.
Try to think why some items are better in what situation and what u did wrong when u died.
Don't just do exactly what 'the guid' tells you.

atm for solo top; lee sin, warwick, darius, jax are pretty regular picks.
The problem is if you kill towers early, the ennemy can let him self get pushed and then you can't farm anymore (at least without taking crazy risks). So you can damage tower, but I wouldn't get it down before 20 mins, then kill your tower, move to other lane, and get other towers too.

omg rapt6rr omg
dota2 metagame is pushing towers.
not sure LoL has one :)
you play dota2?

is it better?
usually happens, lategame retards wandering around the map doing nothing getting caught..
in mid and lategame you dont necessarily have to wait for minions. one of the team can just tank it for some hits. by that mean you also kill new enemy minions very early so yours arent getting stucked and just run straight forward.
also if youre alway getting pushed to your own towers by 5 guys you can maybe spare one of your team (but just with champs like yi! - chamsp with good dmg/as and most important an escape or gamesense to port early enough) for backdooring, sooner or later they have to retreat, plus most teams still wont engage 5vs4 under enemy (your turret).

also while laning. do not push your lane under all circumstances. try to just last hit and freeze lane in mid, so your less vulnerable to ganks. if oppo pushes your lane try to capitalize from it with ganking him
k thx:P but what you mean with just last hit and freeze lan in mid? do i have to wait till they come to my tower then last hit them?
na minions naturally meet in the middle of the lane. when you really just last hit the lane wont be pushed after all (if your oppo does the same ofc) since new minions will stop when they face oppo minions they will always stop near the lane midpoint. tahts called lane freeze since lane is not moving to one side, nor to the other one.
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