Adroits MVP?

Who's your lan mvp? (inbefore poll)

My list: Each anexis players (u name them!), koop, kresti, miNd, urtier, olBaa, Jewe, Matias (sorry other fins didnt watch u much), gifty, Antho

All other players on lower teams really good job i watched some of you!

For the lan amazing guy award i give it to Canadaanim from what i heard and for talking to me on stream and ts at lan xD

koop owzo potty <3

Seanza Merlinator goodjob aswell

Edit: forgot for worst shoutcaster ever award : mental
mental !
Sqzz, Olbaa, Gifty, L4mpje, Kresti.
have specced 2 games of anexis only

i'd go with xylos.

cube as a team had a sick performance

olbaa & finns played pretty sick, everytime I switched to different members of fin6 they all did some sick shizz!

+ gifty played pretty good for how inactive he is :_)
comon wtf is this hype with the cube they won frostbite against anexis ( ye its nice i knoweventho frostbite is lottomap but they only won against Lost and mcg how is that a sick performance ?

no offense at all to the cube :p
We did it twice? :(
shut up splth. shit player.
because I know how they play? I know the effort they put into tactics and such and that's why their teamplay really helped them at this LAN. anyways pointless talking to someone who only looked at gtv results : )
Finland miNd will take this!
or frop for this awesome picture

image: 47451376
Laura the bar girl looks shining in the back ground ;D
U even had time to chat with the girls??
Yeah I spoke to 4 bar girls and like 5 ET girls during the event!
how many pussies?
5 ET girls? Who are tjose?
ItalyXyLoS by far tbh
Canada anim
for just playing with half of the desktop and still owning like hell :D
Xylos. That guy gibbed me with a rifle nade pretty much every time he shot one at me. Cunt.
Nobody must have specced me :'(
i nominate myself.
definitely not NetherlandsXo
from what i've seen (and i only saw like 4 or 5 games): XYLOS for sure.
2nd: well, jewe had some great moments...
sup bro? :(

Your team played great ;)
Jewe least serious of the finns and a fucking legend!

Yeah, we played well indeed! Was happy with it actually, but shoulda played b3 vs winfakt. I hope we'll play next LAN too!
Well, the thing is, Jewe have been like that for years i think... Atleast thats how i see him, he never took the effort to play for a better team, but he is indeed a great player with few decisive multikills and alot of talent!
frostbite was good choice imo <3
potty was already announced as mvp before the games started.
you played well too
I don't know about the mvp, but the coolest guy on lan was G-Clon
Heard anim was nice guy so, bN or Matias
olbaa gifty xylos antho maus fireball blade kresti
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