Boom G5!

Friday night we got kicked out of wzzrd when it closed at 3 AM so we went to Logica me and the Finns bought some beer before so we decided to grab some 1 hour later potty joins up absolutely stoned.

white shirt= United Kingdomowzo
black shirt = Estoniaurtier
blue shirt = United Kingdompotty
In the background you hear FinlandThomm sleeping

Enjoy, I will upload some more stuff in the upcoming days.
Shoutout to all the lads that made this LAN really enjoyable!

Huge shoutout to the Finns who I played my first game of poker with and won 9 euro but had to leave :P Thanks sala and twidi for the cash.
who the fuck is snoring there :D?
*In the background you hear Finland Thomm sleeping
... that is simply sensational. unbelievable how wasted he must have been to sleep there with such a noise around xD
laughed hard, was about the same :D
Was about to ask the same thing :).
QuoteFriday night we got kicked out of logica when it closed at 3 AM so we went to Logica me and the Finns bought some beer before so we decided to grab some 1 hour later potty joins up absolutely stoned.

punctuation? you were kicked out of logica so you went to logica? sry i just cannot figure out what you are trying to write :D. i think those are like 3 sentences mixed to one including some critical typos.
what urtier said.
so its like:

QuoteFriday night we got kicked out of wzzrd when it closed at 3 AM so we went to Logica. Me and the Finns bought some beer before so we decided to grab some. 1 hour later potty joins up absolutely stoned.

image: stop-clubbing-baby-seals-stop-clubbing-baby-seals-punctuatio-demotivational-posters-1328522015

enough grammar nazied :p. glad you guys had a fun time. sure would have loved to be there. just didnt work out this year :<
kicked out of Wzzrd*
Ohw lol, I'm so stupid.
QuoteEnjoy, I will upload some more stuff in the upcoming days.

Please don't :-D
What happens in Enschede, stays in Enschede!
I filterd out some NSFW once of you already don't worry ;)
Good, good! I got some leverage on you as well, remember?! ;-)
image: vxr8q
Are you mad?
No homo, but you look fine, man. Congrats on the process, makes me feel bad for being a chubby fuck :p
you seem to keep your weight pretty stable. no yoyo effect yet? trying to lose some weight atm, too :p
I certainly gained a few kg over the weekend. Excessive drinking plus not caring at all what you eat ain't good for your figure :-P
Other than that it's around the same for over a year now. I'm more focusing on general fitness level (cardio + strength) atm than losing actual body weight. Even if the weight is still the same, I fit in smaller shirts and trousers compared to last year, so I guess the body composition changed a bit.

Good luck with your weight loss then =)
i am back hitting the gym (took a break for around 2 years) around 3 times a week (dumbbells only tho) and stopped eating any sweets at all and after dinner generally. stopped drinking beer except for the weekend. Will see how far that will bring me for now. if thats not enough i wil have to cut some other things too.
more more more, cant wait!
Looks like everybody enjoyed the lan. Hope I can attend one in the future, maybe as spectator..
I actually wouldn't really recommend going as a spectator, even though hangign out with the guys @ night was very cool during the day you are bored as fuck..
no ticket


I guess my ticket got lost in the post...
That's one impressive snore.
Thomm is awesome

image: 1IA9G
He really has that tattoo?
BOOOOM!!!!! You lads...are doing it right!!!!

image: g5

-e- On a side note, Owzo has got loads better looking since the last lan video!? Sexy boi!
So the guy in the grey t-shirt is owzo?

nerd level: 99999999
mx518 > g5
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