The Raid: Redemption

just seen the movie. it was really awesome. a must watch, if u like action movies ofc. found out about it by accident, glad I did :)

image: eiwajb
I watched it earlier today aswell ;o
watched it yesterday, nice movie with close fighting scenes with machetes knifes and shit + little bit of firing

simple movie, do like
chinese :S
Indonesian no? or were you referring to OP?
hey severus,
i honestly dont give a shit about your video but chick is hittable
anyways i somehow miss all your hate @ my journals
just sayin
lately crossfire lacks good journals and it's so boring, so I'm rarely online. your journals are shitter than ever, so no point in commenting them.

haven't seen a morning journal in ages and where the fuck is schnee
watched it today. was pretty good
Watched it...was epic
will watch it this week!
gonna watch then.
Thanks buddy, this will be my Thursday movie!
so I guess that grade in ur book is like perfect?? I wonder which movie u gave 5/5
happy electric plug is happy
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