Watch Dogs - first next gen game?

Either that or this footage was taken from a gaming PC. Looks unreal. The game itself looks good too but if you want to see the sick graphics go to 1:06 and then 6:06.

edit: Never mind, looks like it's for current gen. The footage must be taken from a PC though.

QuoteUbisoft's press site has filed platform listings for Watch Dogs: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC.

edit 2: Ubisoft confirmed the demo was running on a PC
Yeah, I was thinking "I wanna play this, NOW!"
Mix of GTA and hitman :D
holy shit this looks awesome

any idea on release date? 2013 probs -.-
looks cool :) and good that they show ingame gameplay already instaed of just trailers etc
looks ok

but holy shit that movement looks bad
+ car physics looks gay
The car looked like it was floating
I usually don't give two shits about graphics but that looks amazing
Those graphics...

image: 1287347048968

Made my morning!
Oh and for every1 saying "omg graphic" and stuff, did you miss bf3 or what ?
looks awesome
I'm going to sell my house to afford a pc that can run that.
Was thinking the same, then i remembered i don't have a house :(
Sad for the girl in the car..
ye good graphics but we know ubisoft and their games bug
looks nice
Looks amazing
the most promising game of E3 so far
I prefer sony and the wonderbook
holy shit :OO
Thought it'll be something more impressive then mix of Deus Ex and GTA to be honest... :/
I'd love to have a phone like that, could you tell me what model is it?
Can't they make a non violent game for once?
ofc not violence=fun
Yea for some time...then it becomes repetitive and booring.
This shit looks pretty fucking awesome, any more info on it?
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