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Heyho, it was a great event and a pleasure to have met so many cool and nice people.
For some of those, I prepared a special "thanks-list":

Thanks to:

-Playmate, for being such a nice and cute girlie x)
-meNtal, for being such a calm roommate, sharing food etc, eventhough he killed my hardware throwing my shampoo into my hardwarebag.
-my teammates, who were all friendly and funny guys, even if we didnt perform that well
-the whole PDEG group and friends, who made the time in the hotel something really special
-the managment of mMonkeys, who arrived only for us to support and to bring some beer (nice sponsorship!)
-lost soldiers, who were very nice opponents but also a great team to have a laugh with, also you guys performed quite well, congratz!
-the admins and the crew, who did their job pretty well!
-Nait, for ignoring me once again
-R0SS and XyLoS for the funny entertainment, when you guys played public :-D!
-the wzzrd gaming center for the awesome food in there!
-oLGaa and vjto, who definitely made the trip home not anykind of boring!!
-potty for being such a funny guy, who trolled meNtal all the time :-D (G5!)
-head cook eujen, who coddled us during the time we were at hotel
-abort and overboost, the two nicest and funniest dutchies Ive ever met, thanks for the cigarette and the nice conversation, Edwin!

Last but not least, I'd like to say that I really hope that there are some more LANs to come, and I hope, that Im able to see most of the people I met there once again!

Cu cc8(!?!?)
Cu cc8 ":D"
fuckin potty, low player and scared to cast some g5 game

cu next lan
Id like to thank the guys who kept the venue stream entertaining! Should be done every lan!
The interaction you get from the cam with the community is great and most request of players on cams where done, can't think of anyone who hasn't been on the stream.

on the other hand some people didn't like it so 1 Live cam at LAN and one proper gaming stream(which we sadly missed out on either due technical problems or proper casters) would be nice for future events.
Well unlucky that owzo only casted 1 game so well, I tried to cast some games better than nothing. ppl who just want to watch the stream could've mute the stream :D
Well I still think 2 stream would be better(not sure if the bandwith even allows it, lol)

The problem with a proper caster is that you can't expect them to do it for free, owzo was playing himself and who are we as the viewers to demand him? that wouldn't be fair he should have his own choice I can see that he rather has a good time at LAN and meet up with friends instead of casting all the time.

On your casting part, it actually wasn't bad at all as a non native speaker it is extremely hard to keep on talking and keep it exciting without saying the same lines over and over again.

-post is more a general note than a reply ;d-
the backround noise made it impossible to enjoy.
i think people watched it for the guys on cam rather than the game or the casting.
if there should be another event comming up the casters need professional mics and a seperated area.
agreed completely sadly this is not possible for an ET only event obvious due to money
Just got home too, damn that shower felt nice after 30h trip.
To all of you:
Just in case, you want to buy a car and decide for a small car with not so much power: Even though the speedometer reaches 190 km/h, it should not be done over an extended amount of time.
I had my car repaired and checked before the lan and now I have to bring it again.

at least the police didn't show up this time :D
ur car fart!
No worries about the cigarette, just sorry I couldn't say goodbye to you. Oh well :-)
Ye true, I felt kinda sad that we couldn't say goodbye...but I assume that it wasn't the last meeting, at least I really hope so! :)
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