back after sleep :D

well came back home yesterday from the aem, had to sleep first after i didnt sleep for almost 40 hours.
Was nice to meet some old and new faces there.
Shoutout to United Kingdom sqzz deryn ross Seanza Merlinator koop potty crmbs owzo etc. Italy xylos Switzerland olgaa gifty Belgium maus goku Finland olbaa squall dunzy and all the other fins Estonia night sinnu yench Netherlands simonkinsler xperia cracker hope lampje and rest of the dutchies Europe rest of nbs and everyone else i met there, especially CanadabN_ after i didnt believe he would come :D
Canada Anim fucking awesome guy!
welcome back my lil brother!
Can't believe no shoutout after buying you a Coke at 7:30 AM and trying my bestestest to help you find a way to contact olgaa :(


Happy to hear you got home safely, though. Was a bit concerned that you'd be stranded!
sorry i just woke up and im still mind blown, cant believe i forgot u mate, thanks for everything rly was a nice event :d
and yea thanks alot for the coke, rly helped me to get clear mind again :D
welcome back!
did you made pic of every single person on lan during sleeping? :P
Tried to make a pic of everyone passing out at wzzrd, marcus made the pic of the other guys
list: twidi,olba,sala,matias,jewe,sinnu,yench,flop,tomi,mind so mostly Finns.
haha i was totally passed out and gav came with a bit of water and did it over my face, i was soo fucked up. shoutout to you aswell <3
and fuu i havent even realised that u made a picture of that :D
hahaha wtf :D
deryn<3 ;d
hehe yea, she put that thing like 3 times on my head, i was like wtf
you look handsome with it - no homo.
haha my cap probably make it so worse :'D
Are you mad on me or wat? :<
oh forgot u, haha noo its all fine i guess. was just worried about my gear yesterday, shoutout to you aswell, i just cant name everyone it would just take tooo long, and i dont even remember everyone anymore. I got soo many pms already saying, where is my shoutout and stuff ;D
My question is not because I want a shout from you, but thanks :D

I was just wondering, but from my point of view, it came all good, luckily. I couldn't go any earlier because I was so wasted from sunday :D
well i dont know where u been either, i was just waiting at the eden hotel for like 3 hours or smth so i thought he or u wouldnt come, because it was like 10:30 ~ 11:00 already, so i just been driving home later but lango still had my stuff and i thought he wouldnt give it back, but luckly he did and its all fine now!
i was so drunk that I couldn't drive until 1300 o'clock, sry for that :<
lol what are you thinking about me ?? :DD me no retard ;< ..but well well.. tbh i was thinking about an auction via crossfire of your gear :P
ye thats the point, like i didnt rly know u before and didnt rly talk to u aswell, so u just could have take all my stuff and sell it. But lickily u didnt and gave it back to me and ofc i know now that ure a rly nice guy!
np sleeping if you wear your pyjama pants 24/7 :D
nice to meet u m8
Pfff, thanks for the shoutout, that's the last time I help you with getting Estonians to carry you at LAN!!!!!

PS. Naaa, nice to meet you again, even if you didn't shout me out :O)
haha like i said above, i cant mention everyone, my mind is too blown ^^
nice no shoutout homo -.-
could say the same ;D
EDiT: hope ure happy now ;P
dont you remember how we were sniffing cocainum and then hitting the strip club?

anim was nice, must agree

me and tomi werent nice? why we aint getting much thanks from our performace :D
haha ur performance was amazing, haha yeah u both been nice aswell, i just have to remember the first night on friday, like u both been drunk so hard and tomi was sleeping outside already?
it was long day before we came to the center! and the day before it aswell.. :D
haha okay :D
welcome back home :d
Shoutout to entire team, except me. Son I am dissappoint.
Glad to hear you made it home safe atleast =d
haha ure too special mate ;D
was weirrd to get home but yea i made it ^^
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