AEM trip ->

Yo, some ppl wanted to see some pics and stuff so I am going to write something quick (I wrote something already but it got deleted somehow so I have to write this again) Doing the post, I might will find to every small text a picture or video!

On friday I arrived at Hengelo around 21:00. Having a look at the sky while beeing in the train I though it's going to start raining, but luckly it didn't :D
image: ximg
image: ximg
(All pic were made with my mobile phone so don't expect uber quality

Arriving at the hotel I met the rest of the PDEG crew and we had some small talks. Waiting there, my team just arrived from the LAN Center (I guess), so I just met them there and luckly no one dodged (expected malfoy to dodge, since he cannot into my landmine step on supply :)(We didn't play once supply :( ) Was quite funny and nice to meet them, pretty nice guys expect from Testi who was farting the whole time when we were playin the playoff games (For the future, who ever will play with him, avoid sitting next to him at lan, don't care what he says, I got the experience).Getting back to friday we just ended the day with eating something and having a bit small talks at the german rooms of the hotels.

Due PDEG needs to be early at the lan center, I also had to woke up early so we just drove to the supermarket and buying some things for later and the next day. Starting to watch PDEG setting up thier things I just ate some nice nuggets at the morning (shoutout to the great chief of the wzzrd café, mystic.) After some setting ups and delays the PDEG game just started, so I watched them a bit until we had to set up for our games. Our games went actually quite good, the game against f6 was very unlucky (5secs were missing, well played twidi with your strike ;)). Just met some guys also there like Goku, who bought a lot of that fucking chocomel for team chocomel :D
image: ximg, was fuckin nice to touch his afro 6 times :_D

Well Sunday was bad for me or let's better say our team, cause we lost against pdeg(we should have won frostbite ... :( ) and well NBS was also quite unlucky but they played good, but we could've win it aswell... anyway that was my morning at the center, I also had to wake up at 8:00 to be at the center around 9:00, so after my games it was 11:00 and I was kinda bored, watchin some players 8 hours can't be funny :D So well I just started shoutcasting and had some fun at the stream :D together with FinlandtoMi, FinlandThomm, GermanyRayzed and when we had some problems also with NetherlandsSimonKinsler. Casting some games or let's say "trying" to cast some games makes it even funnier. I guess I casted like 4 games, but imo better than nothing. Overall it's quite sad to not have that much casters and be adicted to owzo or TosspoT who are the only real guys which crossfire likes :D Anyway was funny actually, really thanks to Thomm who was a great "co" caster and great guy overall tbh :D Really liked you :D yea later on potty wnb attentionwhore joined our stream and I went away, cause he said he wants to cast and he is better but he actually didn't even try it >_> some goes for koop and the rest of the guys who just used the cam for smalltalks while some nice games where going :D Also BelgiummAus joined the stream and I just "played" the biggest fanboy of him which he really liked XD as you can see in this picture (next to him Canadaanim, really nice guy aswell)
image: ximgnah just kidding, he is a great guy, atleast he doesn't ignore other people like EstoniaNight :P, to bad he didn't join the stream and just answered with "no" like you know him :D

The day went to the end and we already begun to eat and sleep (Have a look at gr0ss room :DD)
image: ximg
And on monday I drove back with timmae & gross ( had a visit at mcdonalds :D)
Anyway I pretty much enjoyed the event and I didn't expect that so many people are nice offline (as you know them only online 'n shit)

Would like to give a shoutout to everyone I met at lan, I might forget some guys, but these guys are the ones I can remind of and I talked a bit more than some others (Atleast we talked a bit to gether :D)

whole pdeg crew - fireball (great guy actually, don't know why everyone flames him, it's just how he is talkin, might come over a bit aggressiv, but it doesn't supposed to be like that.), bl4d3,kresti,stray,eujen and gr0ss (hamburger BRO) and ofcourse dirtyharry, lancia, jaeger, ekto, zicke & co
mM guys -> ramoz, mztic(nice guy :P), genshi, Phazor(bro<3, np for hardwere), zentic (name faker :D) & znark :P, the whole lost crew, especially scatman & lango (thanks for headset btw<3),
chocomel- scarzy(really nice guy :)), potty(fuckin retard, g5g5g5g5g5g5g5, umad,umad,umad,umad), owzo and the rest of them
fin6 - also nice guy, like twidi & olbaa or jewe (? :D guy at the couch later on) and ofc the rest (well played, what's your nick? HAHAHA MATIAS :D)
anexis - mostly mAus, xylos, ross and the rest
zeroE ofc, great guys, all of you (expect testi for the farting D:)
winfakt! abort, gifty, an7ho, stownage & co :)
nbs - ppl like L4mpje, anim etc ;)
+timmA43 :D

Thomm ofc and toMi 2 nice guys :D really nice to cast with you and talk :D, Rayzed (also ok, didnt expect u to be like that)
Some extra stuff:

Also big thanks to the admins there, like msh100, munchies, Seanza, MerlinatoR + simon! It was a nice event! hope to see some events again :)

If I forgot someone excuse me and maybe correct me? :D And for the end, yes I like the ":D"
People enjoyed the random stuff me and potty were doing rather than the games

Quote( had a visit at mcdonalds :D)

worst fastfood ever, 0,1% of meat in every burger
pls, no mcdonalds in poland and still hating :)
Slovakia muy desarrollada.
waste of money, i prefer real food
ok tl;dr
was nice meeting you
Nice that you had a fun time, but please mental, never ever cast again :D
QuoteI might will find to every small text a picture or video!
thats small!
I think he means your horrible english..
ramoz und netter typ, also wirklich :D
+fucking 1! :D
I'll just leave this here, you might find it useful.

[img] [/img]
:D though it would work with url shit but edited
you look overexcited,chill man
dont u still find it intresting that he went to mcdonalds and actually took a pic out of it, lol.
hows the hangover? :p
worst ever :(, never gonna drink again! ( what we all always say anyway )
looking forward to see your journals after going to lan senor dios :D!
Can somebody translate this to English please?
are you gay? touching mens hair and shit. also i hate you so much, last night our clan contemplated coming to lan just to bitch slap you. too bad we are all very poor and spend our last cents on alcohol like proper cool guys
would be nice to see you then at the next lan
Quotetoo bad we are all very poor

you don't do very well at school do you?
ye were talkin about this lan I guess
you are so dumb it literally hurts my brain
nice to know that m8. so cu next lan
Quotetoo bad we are all very poor and spend our last cents on alcohol like proper cool guys

pay for our trip+entry and we'll be there
don't immediately assume it's arrogance when someone is more known/better than you ( regarding Night )
nah, I was more on the stream that he didnt come :D atleast he answered so he didnt ignore me at all
mental, you mad brah?!
fuckin cunt xD
Are there any vod's? Would like to see what the hell I have been blabbering there, wasn't really concentrating.
nice tattoo :D
What did I learn today? Always refresh before replying

Parent everything should be on there enjoy watching yourself drunk at stream :)
i have to see the best ones so anyone who watched them gief link if u can ( not talking about games :D )
Parent you are on here :) only short and it is still midday so only you and toMi where drunk there are other videos where more people where drunk ;d
was fuckin nice to touch his afro 6 times :_D :P

Agree with you, looks like to be a cool guy !
didnt read lol
waiting for anim's lan journal
cant see mAus on the pic where anim is
right click and open it, it's a big pic yes
ah there he is :D how did u take this pic
how did u take this pic
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