Please help a poor swolak

Hi guys,
since you're pretty generous I thought you could help my electronic friend Sweden/Polandbaq.
His gaming mates dont wanna learn golden fish language, neither play with an aquarium on their head so I was wondering if you could donate some moneys to pay him a new microphone. Please understand, he cant afford it!

Send bank infos to him here

Thanks to you a poor swolak will be happy so : image: 285741-418758424814086-1904741496-n

MarseilleLeFrancis - Community helper

e : @admins : could you stick this?
yes lets do something like those estonian
just buy and send him one
nice troll francis. we all know you want the money for yourself to buy skins in LoL
No really, this isnt for LoL

but for bitches 3h3h3h3h3h
u almost moved me to do it
lol at the pic
hahahha dat pic
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