Linux on your PC

Hellow world wee wee bee !

I was wondering for those who use Linux on their PC, what distri do you use ?

I just find out that the new ati catalyst driver (12.4) finally support CPU/GPU switching for AMD/ATI card. It's great. I'm running under Linux Lint 13 (Mate edition) 64 bits atm after I tried many distri. I think it's pretty well optimized, light, sober and fully fonctionnal for what I use. I can finally use my crazy radeon HD 6490M.

8596 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1718.979 FPS
9052 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1810.318 FPS
6755 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1350.890 FPS
8952 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1790.385 FPS
8796 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1758.989 FPS
9186 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1837.144 FPS

For those who are curious of what it looks like : image: linux-mint-13-mate

ps : I use debian 32 bits on both servers ;)
and it would be nic eif you post some screenshots of your desktop ... :)
it look damn sexy.

i would like to use it, but there isn't lot of games supported by linux
Linux is not (first) made for gaming :D
thanks for info, i didn't know.
(feel the irony)
No problem, I know you are often wrong about OS and gaming (feel the irony .. or not :D)
blablabla mr. the sheep

u dont need more
Quoteu dont need more

replace by i, thanks :)

EDIT : are you using Linux???

if so, is there a tzac version for it?
nope, but I heard you can run it on wine just fine
Wine runs many games, but true, you shouldn't really use it if you want to play games. Most older games work OK, newer games have troubles.
Idd but steam already made L4D2 run perfectly on linux, what's coming next :d ?
Yeah, Valve is bringing native Linux gaming back. Along with many, many indie developers, but Valve as a large publisher will hopefully set the mark for other publishers, too.
cheater 3h3h3h3h3h
i use 11.10 kubuntu for work (i hate kde but just cant live without it, its just too damn functional) and a mint 12 w/ gnome when on battery. will probably replace kubuntu with arch over the summer. sorry, no screenshot, on windows atm
ubuntu 10.04

"cat /proc/version"
Linux version 2.6.32-41-generic (buildd@vernadsky) (gcc version 4.4.3 (Ubuntu 4.4.3-4ubuntu5.1) ) #89-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 27 22:22:09 UTC 2012
linux the best
gentoo forever
Windows 7 <3
sabayon 4ever
got Ubuntu 12.04 on both my server and laptop. gentoo is also pretty good!

that unity uses so much ram for nothing :x
true, what else should i use? gnome3? kde? :-/ not sure...
I would go for gnome ;)
Linux Sabayon 3.2.0-sabayon #1 SMP Thu May 24 15:59:45 UTC 2012 i686 Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q8400 @ 2.66GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux

image: 10dwmxh
Why do you underclock your E8400?
It says Q8400 not E8400 ._.

I just woke up
Level 60 since yesterday and just Act 4 left on Hell. Can we be friends soon? :(
Sure we can!
is that gnome2 or something?
its gnome 3 with cinnamon addon
So it's like Linux Mint but instead of being based on ubuntu/debian it's gentoo right ?
yup based on gentoo and entropy packagemanager and... Rolling Release OS
downloading g version now, gonna give it a try ;)
edit : weird, I can't launch it via VM VirtualBox from my win7 :(
you downloaded 64 bit version? had some probs with 64 bit in VM.

otherwise do it with unetbootin on an USB-Stick
No I downloaded the 32 bits version. I always prefer to use them first on VM VirtualBox then If i like them, I use Win32 Disk Imager to rip them on usb stick (unetbootin modifiy iso :x).
I think I'm still on Ubuntu 10.04, haven't been on there much lately. Maybe if TZAC releases a working client.
Still think the best thing about linux is Amarok! The windows 'version' isn't quite the same :(
Suse 11.0
Since I was planning to buy a new computer I didn't bother to download newer version but unfortunatly the plan has changed and now I'm stuck with this old distribution and crapy XP on my netbook :D
im using debian 64bit
Used to use Arch Linux, then gnome3 was released which put me into a huge nerd-rage. Now I'm back to Ubuntu because it simply works without too much fiddling. Unity is not so bad when you ignore it. ;)

The mate stuff you are using is basically a gnome2 fork, no? Can you recommend it? Read a bit about but it seemed like it was still having too many issues / requiring too much work to be actually worth it.
too many issues ? wtf I don't have any problem atm, but i'm not stuck with Linux Mint, I think i'll try some gentoo based distri soon.
sorry im not that much into pokemon
ubuntu 12.04 LTS server x64 x3(web,game,vpn), running on VMware ESXi
xubuntu 12.04 LTS x64 on Dell Inspiron 6400 laptop. My mother is using that for facebook,google and youtube etc. I have cronjob for update and upgrade so i don't have to bother with software maintenance, and no maintanace regarding spyware/adware/virus. Wasted a lot of time doing that when she was working on Windows 7.
GNU/Linux here. Mostly running Debian/Ubuntu based distributions...
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