miNd after lan

The time has come.

Trip was nice, some bears were taken and bitches were fucked as usually.

Was nice to meet most of the ppl and dont really have anything bad to say about anything else than those yermans, they were the only real 4 eyes there ( Team PDEG ) cu @ next lan fireball

Games went nice, so anyone who wants to take me to the next lan feel free to contact me!

Thanks for the Germany yerman guys, aggro / whiteside / rayzed. Thanks also to whole United Kingdom Chocomel crew! Estonia Estonia yench & Sinnu! Finland all Finnish guys, Czech guys, Goku with hes afro! And everyone else i've forgotten by now! Memory aint serving yet too well :-D

Then ofcourse thanks for my team aswell, special sorry for razzah & wraith! Oh, and special thanks for aggro & co aswell for driving me to the train station after all the fins were alredy left!

Overall: nice to meet most of u GUYS, had fun! Cu @ next one if there is gonna be one.

Me, mystic & TOMI, more pics coming later on

image: 7327202102_e4199024c9_c
have to edit some more awesome stories in a few hours or so but cant be arsed now just yet
k, gimme a reply when edited
marko :)
Would love to see you and Fireball meeting eachother :).
me too, but apparently on this lan they liked to hang with on team only ( gays? =DD ) and basicly left after games were played, so it never happened now!
there have been like 1-2 hours between the games
I like your curly hair
yea was nice to meet the pussy hunter, unluckly u were sleeping the whole time and shit, yes really well played aswell, yes
u didnt really play that well, unlucky! X-D
Wow, pouring Battery Energy drinks into pint glasses? REALLY? lol ...ok....
cute smile, no homo
not even a shoutout! was nice meeting you anyway noob!:D
haha, yeah i know i forgot shitloads shoutouts from that list, thats why have to edit it littlebit later on :D
Np dude! how mad was your mom when you came home?
Let someone host a Finnish LAN and we will fix that ;D
don't think that it would even be such an absurd idea to host one here if people would actually be willing to come from around Europe, but I don't really see that happening :D

(even moving from NL to UK was too much for most)
I would do it and combine it with a vacation but yeah doubt the amout of intrest as well.
toMii, upload the video of the bottle headshot please

Was nice to meet you mate, thanks for the shoutout motherfucker
:D np miNd was a pleasure to meet u & ur finnish mates <3

U & tommi are the hardest beer drinker in the ET scene,on the next lan you have to drink with GermanyHuan hes the strongest german beer drinker as far i know :D

cu online and ofc on the next lan!
Looks like i need to come to proove u wrong next time (on the beer drinking shit)
we will see next time then :D :D
u got rolled at saturday night :D
yea and you rolled the joints ":D"
I have to admit you must be a cool guy, even if we didnt like each other in the past.
I didnt follow the story what exactly happend, but i heard you were too drunk to play? :D
He was hilarious as fuck to watch as well rofl
too drunk to play and walked away for cigs during games :'D
Drinking alcohol and playing games...that's pretty sad Nonix....
Lets say that i enjoyed more to drink bears, smoke cigs and listen musicm from youtube than to play :D
Was it planned?
Ofcourse not, but it felt better idea at that point!
that's a pro gamer!!!

Although I didn't attend, you seem to be awesome guy :D. Gonna fan you now :D:D:D
Gonna fan you now :D:D:D
Next time play more seriouss , wasnt exspected that you arent such a retard as in the internet, was nice to meet you :)
ge pe Marko :)))
marko :)
Is that real mystic ?!?!?
no it's the kitchen chief of wzzard
aka mystic :D
nice pic haha you crazy fucks :D
hah, was nice to meet u aswell! didnt think that u would be so chill guy! =)
haha same goes for you :D was nice meeting ya even though sometimes it looked like you were looking at the wall and at the inside of your eye because you were so drunk ahahhaha :D
next time less alcohol plz!! :X when i was talking with you i was rly scared because your face was so disorientated all the time :D
anyway you seem to be a nice guy ;>
Heard you and toMi did a 69.
you look like tapsa (a little bit)
all fins looks the same
white and pussy as fuck? :XXXXXDDD
from my point of view you pretty much "backstabbed" your team. It's fine that you're drunk and having fun, but atleast play the games a bit more serious. Your teammates had to pay a lot of money to play there and you didn't care. I know that it is a funteam and stuff, but still you should show some respect to your team. I'm pretty sure that if you played a bit more serious, the games would have been a lot more enjoyable - not only for the rest of your team but also for the spectators.

Anyway I might be wrong and it seems that you had a lot of fun. You seem like a decent guy and you really surprised me, since I didn't think that you would ever go to lan.
*nerd comment alert*
i agree that i should yeah, but well, whats happened is happened and i cant do anything about it anymore
you did great mind, drinking wise by the looks of it atleast :D
that went fine!
ye it was a nice time ;)
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