6on6 Tournament tonight

To celebrate the foundation of a new italian multigaming clan ItalyProGamerS tonight there will be a 6on6 cup which starts at 21cet.
For infos check the cuppage.

We need 3 teams to get 16 teams, c'mon join!
There are strong and weak teams, so join, everybody will have fun.

We will host another cup in some weeks, the next time we will have a prize for the team who wins the cup. (16 slot gameserver hosted in germany, not YCN).
AVI for cup PM me or qryme #d&b @ Quakenet
too izi
Join with lost :D
Bubidabubi ?
we are in :)
rifle merc avi for this
pm me here
21 cet way too early
merc avi, can play eng smg or medic
[18:25] <znArk`> need 3 skilled mercs for 6v6 cup later , know me, xcon, subbi.... :)
falla alle 20, che dopo devo uscire :\
reviving medic/ 2nd eng avi
avi for cup msg me @ #6on6.et -> j4CKK
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